University Staff conquer The Prostate Cancer Charity Tour Ride challenge

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Charity prostate cancer bike ride

Two members of staff have taken part in a sponsored tour ride organised by the Tour of Britain and the Prostate Cancer Charity.

Lisbeth Baron from the School of Mathematical Sciences and Stuart Marshall-Clarke from Cellular and Molecular Physiology, took part in 80km of the 161km course starting at Stoke-on-Trent, with more than 500 fellow cyclists.

Lisbeth said: "It was a really great day, the course was challenging and I was delighted that I was able to rise to the challenge."

Stuart said: "The whole day was really well organised, the route was well signposted so I had no excuse for getting us lost and doing an extra 5km! They certainly saved the sting for the tail with a brute of a little climb 2km from the end, just when the legs were beginning to feel it!"

Lisbeth and Stuart finished in the creditable time of 4hrs 43min and raised £650 for the Prostate Cancer Charity.