Supporting activities
- Providing guidance on the development and evaluation of teaching activities
- Offering input on potential changes of module assessment structure in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the module delivery
- Promoting ideas to improve active student engagement and participation in classes
- Promoting effective practice from across the department
- Offering ideas for fostering collaborative international student projects.
Read more about our past activities.
Mission statement
- To implement and evaluate teaching methods and assessment strategies informed by literature, especially those promoting student engagement and active problem solving.
- To enhance existing departmental strategies and explore opportunities to develop new policies and approaches relating to teaching, learning and the overall student experience.
- To encourage mathematics staff to innovate and experiment in their teaching practice to empower students as independent learners.
- To provide pedagogical leadership in the diversification of the design and delivery of mathematics provision, including online, blended, work-based, campus-based and part-time provision.
- To support, develop, review and enhance the mathematics provision across faculties, schools and international institutions with the goal of creating a thriving international knowledge-building community.
- To disseminate educational developments and lessons from effective and innovative Maths CEE projects both locally and internationally.
- To facilitate departmental alignment with university strategies in accordance with Curriculum 2021.
Members - academic staff
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