Maths EDI Poster Competition
The Department of Mathematical Sciences organises a yearly poster competition on topics related to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in Mathematical Sciences. This is an opportunity to showcase the topics that you feel passionate about and want to champion!
The winner of the Maths EDI Poster Competition 2023 was Ms Julia Münch, a first-year PhD student in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Her poster, titled Women in Mathematics, received first prize.
Julia Münch - Women in Mathematics
She received the award from Prof. Gita Sedghi (Former School EDI Lead) on the occasion of International Women in Maths Day 2023, which took place on May 12.
Competition Rules
The rules for the 2023 Maths EDI Poster Competition were:
- The submission period for posters ran from 3 to 28 April 2023 (4 weeks).
- Posters could be submitted individually or in groups (of up to 5 students). All students in the Department of Mathematical Sciences were eligible to participate, including both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Each student was allowed to submit only one poster.
- The poster had to relate to an Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) topic relevant to Mathematical Sciences. Informal inquiries about possible topics were welcomed by the EDI Champions.
- With the authors’ consent, all participating posters were uploaded to the Department’s EDI website, specifying their titles and authors. However, the Department reserved the right not to upload a poster if its content was deemed inappropriate.
- The prize for the winning poster was a £100 voucher, with three additional prizes of £50 each. If a winning poster had multiple authors, the prize was divided equally among them. The winning poster was printed and displayed in the Department for at least one year.
- Posters had to be original work. Use of images or text subject to copyright was not permitted. The accepted formats were PDF, PNG, or JPG, with a resolution suitable for printing in A1 size (e.g., 594 x 841 mm at 300 pixels per inch).
- To submit a poster, students had to complete an online form. Those experiencing issues with the form could contact the organisers via email.
- The winners of the competition were selected by a panel of EDI Champions and other University members and were announced in May 2023.
- You can find the data privacy notice here: Maths EDI Poster Competition 2023 - Data Privacy Notice
If you have any questions about any of these rules, please write to
Examples of EDI Posters
The following are examples of posters on EDI topics:
- ICMS worked with Nira Chamberlain to produce the following poster to celebrate Black History Month in the UK on the occasion of the Black Heroes of Mathematics conference 2022: - The Europen Women in Mathematics association in the Netherlands created the following poster about the history of women in mathematics: - The American Mathematical Society produced the following posters to promote awareness of women in mathematics: - The UCL Medical School Student EDI Committee developped a collection of posters to raise awareness of microaggressions:
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