Athena Swan Award
The Athena Swan Gender Equality Charter was established in 2005 to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment. Since then, the charter has evolved to address gender equality more broadly. The University of Liverpool joined the Athena Swan Charter in 2009 and was recognised with an Institutional Silver Award in 2016. The Department of Mathematical Sciences is part of the School of Physical Sciences which also received a Silver Award in 2016. The School's Silver Award was renewed in September 2022.
Women in Mathematical Sciences Network
The Women in Mathematical Sciences network is coordinated by Dr Emily Nixon. This network is open to all students and staff in our department. If you are interested in joining in, please contact Emily. You may also be interested in the Liverpool Women in Science and Engineering network (LivWiSE).
International Women in Mathematics Day
On May 12, we celebrated the International Women in Maths Day 2023 with an event that included talks by Dr Kamila Żychaluk (School Athena Swan Lead) and Ms Julia Münch, who won the Maths EDI Poster Competition 2023 with a poster about Women in Mathematics.

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