MIF OMICs Open-for-Business

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In January, the first element of the Materials Innovation Factory (MIF) – the MIF OMICs facility, opened for business. As part of a wider project funded by the University of Liverpool, Unilever and HEFCE’s UK Research Partnership Investment Fund (UKRPIF); MIF OMICs is focused on the exciting possibilities offered by next generation sequencing and computational biology.

Located on North Campus, within the MerseyBio building, a brand new office space has been created, to allow the co-location of University of Liverpool researchers with external industry partners. Investment has also been made into new laboratory equipment and technical support staff, which will allow for a broader scientific capability. As an ‘open-access’ space, the MIF OMICs facility will be open to a range of different partners, from internal researchers to external businesses – whether a local Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) or a large multi-national.

To ensure projects can reach their full potential, assistance can be provide in the following:

  • Initial scoping discussions,
  • Project definition,
  • Sample preparation, including single isolation/ separation,
  • Sequencing library preparation,
  • Sequence production on a range of 2nd and 3rd generation sequencing platforms,
  • Analysis and interpretation of data.

Commenting on the opening of the facility, Manager of the MIF OMICs, Dr Christiane Hertz-Fowler said ‘This exciting development gives us the ability to co-locate staff and significantly enhances our technical offering and the way we conduct research with industrial partners. This is a key milestone for the MIF project and we look forward to working closely with a range of potential University and Industry collaborators’.

If you are interested in finding out more about the MIF OMICs facility, please e-mail Dr Hertz-Fowler at chf@liverpool.ac.uk.