Conference Publications
- Y. Zhou, S. Maher, "Unravelling Matrix Effects in Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis", BMSS Ambient Ionisation Meeting, Nottingham, 2025.
- T. Hankinson, A. Haworth-Duff, B. Smith, T. Sham, P. Yukhet, T. Vilaivan, S. Maher, "Printing in the gaps: Leveraging additive prototyping to build complex and bespoke laboratory hardware", BMSS Ambient Ionisation Meeting, Nottingham, 2025.
- Y. Zhou, S. Maher, "Paper Arrow Mass Spectrometry", BMSS Ambient Ionisation Meeting, Nottingham, 2025.
- T. Hankinson, A. Haworth-Duff, B. Smith, T. Sham, P. Yukhet, T. Vilaivan, S. Maher, "You wouldn't download a Mass Spectrometer, would you?", BMSS Ambient Ionisation Meeting, Nottingham, 2025.
- A. Haworth-Duff, C. Boisdon, B. Akbali, B. Smith, D. Hawcutt, P. Noppakuadrittidej, T. Praneenararat and S. Maher, "The Perfect Roast: High-throughput Analysis of Coffee Bean Roasts via Headspace DART-MS", BMSS Ambient Ionisation Meeting, Nottingham, 2025.
- A. Haworth-Duff, B. Smith, D. Hawcutt and S. Maher, "HAPPI to Be Here: Analysis and Classification of Bacteria Strains with Headspace Atmospheric Pressure Photoionisation (HAPPI) on a Portable Mass Spectrometer", BMSS Ambient Ionisation Meeting, Nottingham, 2025.
- Y. Zhou, D. Hawcutt, S. Maher, "From Lab to Bedside: Assessing the Clinical Utility of Paper Arrow-Mass Spectrometry for Salivary Paracetamol", British Toxicology Society (BTS) Annual Congress, The Spine, Liverpool, 2024.
- T. Hankinson, T-T. Sham, B. Smith, S. Maher, "Advanced 3D Printing Methods Enable Routine Use of Polypropylene for Bespoke Mass Spectrometry Equipment", BMSS Ambient Ionisation Meeting, ThinkTank Birmingham, 2024.
- Y. Zhou, D. Hawcutt, S. Maher, "Towards Bedside Monitoring: Clinical Cross-Validation of Paper Arrow-Mass Spectrometry (PA-MS) for Salivary Paracetamol Analysis", BMSS Ambient Ionisation Meeting, ThinkTank Birmingham, 2024.
- A. Haworth-Duff, C. Boisdon, B. Smith, D. Hawcutt, P. Noppakuadrittidej, T. Praneenararat, S. Maher, "Coffee Bean Origin Profiling with Headspace DART-MS", BMSS Ambient Ionisation Meeting, ThinkTank Birmingham, 2024.
- T-T. Sham, Y. Zhou. J. Blair, S. Maher, "Paper-Arrow Mass Spectrometry: a novel approach to detect cortisol in saliva", BMSS Ambient Ionisation Meeting, ThinkTank Birmingham, 2024.
- N. Sricharoen, C. Boisdon, B. Akbali, C. Lima, R. Goodacre, B. Smith, K. Wongravee, S. Maher, "High-Density, Vacuum-Free Surface Coatings using Ambient Electrospray Deposition and DC-Only Focusing Ion Funnel", BMSS Ambient Ionisation Meeting, ThinkTank Birmingham, 2024.
- Tuinstra, L., Thomas, B., Robinson, S., Pawlak, K., Elezi, G., and Taylor, S., "Hydroxyproline extracted from Edmontosaurus fossil bone from the late Cretaceous", ASMS 2023 (Houston, TX, June 2-6 2023). PDF
- Tung Ting Sham, Kieran Collings, Cedric Boisdon, Kevin Skinley, Hyun-Kyung Oh, Philip Brownridge, Adham Ahmed, Claire E. Eyers, Peter Myers, Simon Maher, "Investigating Protein Adsorbing Properties of Silica Particles for the Capture of Bioaerosols including SARS-CoV-2", 43rd BMSS, Manchester, 2023.
- Adam Haworth-Duff, Barry Smith, Daniel Hawcutt and Simon Maher, "Quantification of nicotine using direct headspace and aerosol analysis of e-cigarette liquids", 43rd BMSS, Manchester, 2023.
- Yufeng Zhou, Tung-Ting Sham and Simon Maher, "Paper-Chromatography-Spray Ionisation Mass Spectrometry: A Novel Approach to Detect Paracetamol in Saliva," BMSS Ambient Ionisation Meeting, Astra Zeneca, UK, 2023.
- Joseph Hubbard, Steven Robinson, Ardern Hulme-Beaman, Krzysztof Pawlak, Martin Munt, Stephen Taylor, "Collagen Remains in Palaeotherium Bone from the Isle of Wight (UK)", ASMS 2023 (Houston, TX, June 2-6 2023). PDF
- K. Collings, S. Maher, P. Myers, K. Skinley, "COVID Capture: Attaching Protein Adsorbing Silica Microspheres to the Surface of Cotton Substrates for Capture of SARS-CoV-2," Annual Aerosol Science Conference, York, UK, 2022.
- Thomas, B.D, Tuinstra, L., and Taylor, S, "Finite ages from the Mesozoic era – is bone collagen an open system?", Radiocarbon 2022, Zurich (September 11-16th 2022). PDF
- Baris Akbali, Cedric Boisdon, Barry Smith, Cassio Lima, Royston Goodacre, Simon Maher, "Ambient Soft Landing of Gold Nanoparticles for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy," Raman Nanotheranostics Conference, University of Exeter, UK, 2022.
- A. Haworth-Duff, B. Smith, D. Hawcutt and S. Maher, “A Novel APPI-MS Method for the Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Breath,” BMSS 42, Manchester, UK, 2022.
- T. Sham, S. McWilliam and S. Maher, “Developing a novel method for measurement of creatinine in whole blood microsamples using Paper Spray Ionisation - Mass Spectrometry,” BMSS 42, Manchester, UK, 2022.
- D. McIntosh, M. Joseph, J. Gibson, S. Maher and S. Taylor, “Revisiting Resolution: Mass-dependence of Optimal QMS Peak Width,” 70th ASMS, MN, USA, 2022.
- B. Akbali, C. Boisdon, B. Smith, C. Lima, T. Chen, R. Goodacre and S. Maher, “Ambient Electrospray Deposition of Gold Nanoparticles for Uniform and Highly Sensitive Surface Enhanced-Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Substrate,” Spring SciX, Liverpool, UK, 2022.
- A. Haworth-Duff, B. Smith, D. Hawcutt and S. Maher, “A Novel Atmospheric Pressure Photoionisation Mass Spectrometry Method for the Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds relating to Bacteria,” TCES CDT Conference, University of Birmingham, UK, 2022.
- B. Smith, C. Boisdon and S. Maher, “Flexible Drift Tube for High Resolution Ion Mobility Spectrometry,” BMSS AI SIG, University of Surrey, February, 2020.
- Thomas, B. Solliday, J. and Taylor, S., ‘Cross polarisation and Second Harmonic Generation imaging reveal bone collagen decay patterns in four fossils’ Society for Vertebrate Palaeontology (SVP) Virtual Meeting, Oct. 2020. SVP Taylor et al
- Anderson, K., Thomas, B., Tuinstra, L., Herodotou, S., Myers, P., and Taylor, S. 'Collagen decay studies in aged bone for archaeological applications', ASMS Conference, Houston, TX, USA, 2020. ASMS 2020 Taylor et al
- N. Sarih, D. Romero-Perez, B. Bastani, A. Slater, H. Tajuddin, Z. Abdullah and S. Maher, “Accelerated Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions of Dansyl Chlorides with Anilines under Ambient Conditions via Reactive Paper Spray,” BMSS AI SIG, Huddersfield University, 2019.
- B. Smith and S. Maher, “Simulation and Experimental Investigation of the Transport of Gas Phase Ions at Atmospheric Pressure,” BMSS AI SIG, Huddersfield University, 2019.
- S. Maher and T. Praneenararat, “SCRAN: Sensors for CRops & Agri-tech Network”, British Council, London, 2019.
- B. Smith, C. Boisdon and S. Maher, “Ambient Ionisation Mass Spectrometry: A novel diagnostic tool for debugging electronic circuits”, 67th ASMS, USA, 2019.
- S. Maher, “Current and Future Applications of Ambient Ionisation and Portable Spectrometry”, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, (July, 2019).
- Thomas B, Layfield, R, Burrell, C., and Taylor S. ‘Multiple techniques confirm collagen remnants in fossil bone’ ASMS Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA (2019). ASMS 2019 Taylor et al
- B. Bastani, C. Boisdon, A. Badu-Tawiah and S. Maher, “Open-Channel and Self-Regulating Microfluidic Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry for Herbicide Analysis,” BMSS Ambient Ionisation, Syngenta, Jealott’s Hill, UK, 2018.
- B. Smith, I. Young, S. Taylor and S. Maher, “Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Ion Trajectories in a DAPCI Experiment,” BMSS Ambient Ionisation, Syngenta, Jealott’s Hill, UK, 2018.
- D. Romero-Perez, B. Smith, A. Badu-Tawiah and S. Maher, “Digital Cutting Methods in Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry,” BMSS Ambient Ionisation, Syngenta, Jealott’s Hill, UK, 2018.
- S. Maher, “Current and Future Applications of Ambient Ionization and Portable Spectrometry,” Advancing Food Security with Sensors and Analytical Instrumentation, Bangkok, Thailand, 2018.
- D. Romero-Perez, B. Smith, B. Bastani, I. Young, A. Badu-Tawiah, T. Vilaivan, T. Praneenararat, N. Jirakittiwut, J. Prabphal and S. Maher, “Apta Spray Mass Spectrometry,” 66th ASMS, USA, 2018.
- C. Boisdon, B. Bastani, I. Young, T. Praneenararat, T. Vilaivan and S. Maher, “Development of a Low Cost, Flexible PCB Drift Tube with Integrated Voltage Regulation for Ion Mobility Spectrometry,” 39th BMSS Annual Meeting, Cambridge University, 2018.
- B. Smith, D. Hughes, A. Badu-Tawiah, R. Eccles, I. Goodall and S. Maher, “Analysis and Classification of Counterfeit Whisky by DAPCI-MS,” 39th BMSS Annual Meeting, Cambridge University, 2018.
- D. Romero-Perez and S. Maher, "Cutting Methods for Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry." 38th BMSS Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, 2017 [Best Poster Award Winner].
- S. Taylor, F. Jjunju, B. Smith, S.Maher and R. G. Cooks, "Desorption Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionisation (DAPCI) – development and applications." 38th BMSS Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, 2017.
- Thomas, B, McIntosh, D.G., Clarey T and Taylor S., 'Establishing a Baseline for a Portable Stable Carbon Isotope Detection System' ASMS Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2017. ASMS 2017 Taylor et al
- B. Smith, F. Jjunju, S. Taylor, I. Young, and S. Maher. "Development of a portable, low cost, plasma ionization source coupled to a mass spectrometer for surface analysis." Proceedings IEEE Sensors, USA, 2016.
- S. Maher, B. Bastani, B. Smith, F. Jjunju, S. Taylor, and I. Young. "Portable fluorescent sensing array for monitoring heavy metals in water." Proceedings IEEE Sensors, USA, 2016.
- S. Maher, F. Jjunju, I. Young, S. Taylor and A. Badu-Tawiah, In-situ Analysis of Metaldehyde using Ambient Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry, RSC 3rd Analytical Biosciences Forum, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, 2016.
- S. Maher, S. Maskell, S. U. Syed, F. P. Jjunju and S. Taylor, Finding the Peaks: Performance Enhancement of Portable MS using a Bayesian Approach, The 64th ASMS Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA (June 2016).
- D. G. McIntosh, M. Juno, S. Maher, J. R. Gibson and S. Taylor, Falling through the cracks: High Resolution Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry, The 64th ASMS Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA (June 2016).
- B. Thomas, S. Taylor, T. Clarey and D. G. McIntosh, Establishing a Baseline for a Portable Stable Carbon Isotope Detection System, The 64th ASMS Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA (June 2016).
- S. Giannoukos, J. Smith, A. Marshall and S. Taylor, Development and testing of a gas generator for odor transmission over data networks, The 64th ASMS Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA (June 2016).
- F. P. Jjunju, S. Maher, S. Taylor and R. G. Cooks, Handheld and Portable DAPCI source for Point and Shoot Applications: Towards Onsite In-Situ Explosives Analysis, The 64th ASMS Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA (June 2016).
- S. Maher, B. L. Smith, M. J. Antony Joseph, F. P. M. Jjunju, B. Bastani, L. Su, U. Salaj-Kosla, L. Lewis, J. M. Mortz, D. Hammer, G. Cristophersen, P. O'Leary, A. MacMaster, S. Taylor and I. S. Young, Making sense of water quality: A portable MS-UV sensing platform for real-time monitoring in aquaculture, The 63rd ASMS Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, USA (June 2015).
- S. Maher, F. Jjunju and S. Taylor, Portable DAPCI-MS for Security Applications, RSC-IOP-DSTL Meeting: Spectrometry for Security Applications, Birmingham University, UK, 2015.
- S. Maher, B. Smith, S. Taylor and I. S. Young, Portable, Multi-Sensing System for Onsite Aquaculture, AquaME, Dubai, UAE, 2015.
- S. Maher, B. Smith, B. Bastani, L. Su, L. Lewis, G. Christophersen, S. Taylor, and I. S. Young, Portable MS-UV Sensing Platform for Water Quality in Aquaculture, Harsh Environment Mass Spectrometry Workshop, Baltimore, USA, 2015.
- F. Jjunju, S. Maher, A. Li, S. Taylor and R. G. Cooks, RGA for security applications, RGA12 - Advances in Mass Spectrometry, Ricoh Arena, Coventry, UK, 2015.
- M. Juno, S. Maher, B. Smith, N. France, F. Jjunju, and S. Taylor, Operating an RGA to obtain flat top mass spectral peaks, RGA12 - Advances in Mass Spectrometry, Ricoh Arena, Coventry, UK, 2015.
- S. Maher, S. U. Syed, J. R. Gibson, F. P. M. Jjunju, B. Smith, D. Taylor, I. S. Young, R. M. Heeren and S. Taylor, Old Dog, New Tricks: Enhanced Quadrupole Performance by Addition of a Magnetic Field, The 63rd ASMS conference, St. Louis, USA, 2015.
- S. U. Syed, G. B. Eijkel, S. Maher, F. P. M. Jjunju, H. R. Poolman, S. Taylor and R. M. A. Heeren, There’s plenty of room at the bottom: A micro-pixelated position sensitive detector for performance improvement of a QMS instrument, The 63rd ASMS Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, USA (June 2015).
- M. J. Antony Joseph, S. Maher, F. P. M. Jjunju, S. U. Syed, J. R. Gibson, I. S. Young, R. M. A. Heeren and S. Taylor, Every ion counts: Optimization of the quadrupole mass spectrometer for improved ion transmission and flat-top peaks, The 63rd ASMS Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, USA (June 2015).
- S. Giannoukos, B. Brkic, N. France, S. Taylor, Artificial Sniffing for Border Security and Civil Defence Applications, SET for Britain event, House of Commons, London, UK, 2015.
- S. Giannoukos, B. Brkic, S. Taylor, Canine and machine olfaction system sniffing capabilities: a comparative study for in-field security applications, Spectrometry for Security Applications - a one day workshop, DSTL and RSC, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, 2015.
- G. Christophersen, D. Hammer, I. S. Young, S. Maher, L. Su, B. Bastani, L. Lewis, U. Salaj-Kosla, J. M. Mortz, P. O’Leary, A. MacMaster, M. D. Jenssen and S. Taylor, Making sense of water quality: The AquaMMS project development of a portable integrated sensing platform to monitor important, but technically difficult parameters in aquaculture, The 20th International Pectinid Workshop, Galway City, Ireland (April 2015).
- F. P. M. Jjunju, S. Maher, S. Taylor and R. G. Cooks, In-situ analysis of additives in petroleum crude oil using a portable mass spectrometer with paper spray ionization, Meeting the Petrochemical Challenge with Separation Science and Mass Spectrometry, Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, London, UK (November 2014).
- F. P. M. Jjunju, S. Maher, A. Li, H. C. Hsub, P. Weib, S. Taylor and R. G. Cooks, Ambient analysis of nitrogen compounds in petroleum oil using desorption atmospheric pressure chemical ionization, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Energy Fuels. 59, (2), pp. 753-755 (2014).
- I. Reinhold, M. Wittkötter, M. Müller, F. Koch, F. Siviero, R. Murcott, B. Brkić, W. Voit, W. Zapka and S. Taylor, A hybrid approach combining 3D and conductive inkjet printing for the generation of linear ion traps for mass spectrometry applications, The 30th International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies and Digital Fabrication, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (September 2014).
- S. Giannoukos, B. Brkić, N. France and S. Taylor, Membrane inlet mass spectrometry for in-field security applications, The 20th International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC), Geneva, Switzerland (August 2014).
- A. Chalkha, A. Janulyte, Y. Zerega, B. Brkić, S. Taylor, J. Andre, Characterisation, performance and stability of a glow discharge as a source of electrons for portable mass spectrometry, The 20th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications, Orléans, France (July 2014).
- S. Giannoukos, B. Brkić and S. Taylor, Portable membrane inlet mass spectrometer for rapid detection of drugs, explosives and chemical weapons, The 62nd ASMS Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (June 2014).
- S. A. de Koning, E. Beekwilder, B. Brkić, S. Giannoukos and S. Taylor, Sniffles - a portable MS-based sniffer instrument, The 38th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy (May 2014).
- M. J. Antony Joseph, S. U. Syed, S. Maher, F. P. M. Jjunju, R. Heeren and S. Taylor, Quadrupole mass filter design and performance for operation in stability zone 1, NVMS 50th Anniversary Congress, Rolduc, Netherlands (April 2014).
- S. Giannoukos, B. Brkić, S. Taylor, Portable mass spectrometry for threat detection, 5th Vacuum Symposium, Coventry, UK, 2014.
- S. A. de Koning, B. Brkić, S. Giannoukos, N. France, J. R. Gibson, A. Chalkha, A. Janulyte, Y. Zerega, F. Siviero, C. Dragoni, R. Murcott and S. Taylor, Development of a portable MS, The 1st Sniffer Public Workshop, Noisy-le-Grand, France (April 2014).
- M. J. Antony Joseph, S. Maher, F. P. M. Jjunju, S. U. Syed, I. S. Young, R. Heeren and S. Taylor, Ion transmission factors affecting sensitivity for a miniature QMS, The 34th BMSS Annual Meeting, Cheshire, UK (April 2014).
- B. Brkić, J. R. Gibson, S. Giannoukos and S. Taylor, LIT2: A novel software simulation package for 3D modeling of linear ion traps, PITTCON Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA (March 2014).
- F. P. M. Jjunju, S. Maher, A. Li, H. C. Hsu, P. Wei, S. Taylor and R. G. Cooks, Ambient analysis of nitrogen compounds in petroleum oil using desorption atmospheric pressure chemical ionization, RSC Chemistry in the Oil Industry XIII Symposium, Manchester, UK (November 2013).
- A. Li, F. P. M. Jjunju, S. Taylor and R. G. Cooks, In-situ analysis of oil matrices using paper spray ionization and portable mass spectrometer: toward chemical analysis in the oil field of corrosion inhibitors and so on, RSC Chemistry in the Oil Industry XIII Symposium, Manchester, UK (November 2013).
- S. Maher, F. P. Jjunju, S. U. Syed and S. Taylor, Performance of a quadrupole gas analyzer operating in stability zones 1 and 3, VS4: 4th Vacuum Symposium UK, Coventry, UK (October 2013).
- S. Giannoukos, B. Brkić and S. Taylor, Portable membrane inlet mass spectrometer for illegal human migration detection, The 9th Harsh Environment Mass Spectrometry (HEMS) Workshop, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA (September 2013).
- S. Giannoukos, B. Brkić and S. Taylor, Detection of human chemical signatures in homeland security applications, The 44th IUPAC Congress, Istanbul, Turkey (August 2013).
- B. Brkić, S. Giannoukos, N. France, J. R. Gibson, A. Chalkha, A. Janulyte, Y. Zerega, F. Siviero, C. Dragoni, R. Murcott and S. Taylor, Development trends in portable ion trap mass spectrometry, The Conference on Innovations in Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation (InnMS), St Petersburg, Russia (July 2013).
- S. U. Syed, S. Maher, T. J. Hogan, M. J. Antony Joseph and S. Taylor, Design and performance of quadrupole mass filter operating in stability zones 1 and 3, The 61st ASMS Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (June 2013).
- S. Maher, B. Brkić and S. Taylor, Calibration of a membrane inlet mass spectrometer for environmental monitoring, The 61st ASMS Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (June 2013).
- A. Chalkha, A. Janulyte, Y. Zerega B. Brkić, S. Taylor and J. Andre, Characterisation and performances of a glow discharge as a source of electrons for portable mass spectrometer, The 61st ASMS Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (June 2013).
- B. Brkić, S. Giannoukos, A. Janulyte, Y. Zerega and S. Taylor, Numerical investigation of ion injection and confinement in linear ion traps, The 60th ASMS Conference, Vancouver, Canada (May 2012).
- S. Maher, S. U. Syed and S. Taylor, Mapping the stability diagram of a QMS with an applied magnetic field, The 60th ASMS Conference, Vancouver, Canada (May 2012).
- S. U. Syed, S. Maher, J. R. Gibson and S. Taylor, Performance of a QMS operating in stability zones 1 and 3 under the influence of magnetic field, The 33rd BMSS Annual Meeting, Alderley Edge, UK (April 2012).
- J. Sreekumar, B. Brkić, T. J. Hogan and S. Taylor, RGA modelling and simulation to include pressure dependence in the ion source, The 10th RGA Users Group Meeting, Coventry, UK (October 2011).
- S. Maher, S. U. Syed, J. Sreekumar, J. R. Gibson and S. Taylor, Performance enhancement for miniature QMS through application of a magnetic field, The 8th Harsh Environment Mass Spectrometry (HEMS) Workshop, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA (September 2011).
- B. Brkić, N. France, J. Sreekumar, K. Thabeth and S. Taylor, Oil-in-water monitoring in the North Sea using membrane inlet mass spectrometry, The 8th Harsh Environment Mass Spectrometry (HEMS) Workshop, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA (September 2011).
- B. Brkić, J. Singh, N. France, T. J. Hogan, C. J. Sutcliffe and S. Taylor, Development of a portable mass spectrometer using linear ion traps, The 32nd BMSS Annual Meeting, Cardiff, UK (September 2011).
- S. U. Syed, J. R. Gibson and S. Taylor, Resolution enhancement of a QMS using an applied magnetic field, The 32nd BMSS Annual Meeting, Cardiff, UK (September 2011).
- Y. Zerega, C. Reynard-Carette, D. Parrat, M. Carette, B. Brkić, A. Lyoussi, G. Bignan, A. Janulyte, J. André, Y. Pontillon, G. Ducros and S. Taylor, Analysis of fission gas release kinetics by on-line mass spectrometry, The Second International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA), Ghent, Belgium (June 2011).
- N. A. Djossou, A. Janulyte, Y. Zerega, M. Carette, C. Reynard, J. Andre, B. Brkić and S. Taylor, Creation and injection mode and detection dynamic in Fourier transform operating modes applied to a 3D ion trap, 27èmes Journées Françaises de Spectrométrie de Masse, Clermont-Ferrand, France (September 2010).
- S. Taylor and B. Brkić, Oil-in-water analysis of North Sea crude using miniature mass spectrometry, The 12th Oil-in-Water Monitoring Workshop, Aberdeen, UK (September 2010).
- S. U. Syed, B. Brkić, J. R. Gibson, J. Sreekumar and S. Taylor, Performance of an RGA with a transverse magnetic field applied to the mass filter, The 9th RGA Users Group Meeting, Warrington, UK (February 2010).
- A. T. Clare, B. Brkić, N. France and S. Taylor, Miniature ion trap technology for portable mass spectrometry applications, The 9th RGA Users Group Meeting, Warrington, UK (February 2010).
- S. Taylor and N. France, Miniature and micro mass spectrometry for nanoscale sensing applications, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 178, 012003 (2009).
- F. Salarzaei, B. Brkić, T. J. Hogan, S. Taylor, R. J. Bell and R. T. Short, Development and mathematical modelling of a membrane inlet mass spectrometer for environmental monitoring, The 7th Harsh Environment Mass Spectrometry (HEMS) Workshop, Santa Barbara, California, USA (September 2009).
- S. Taylor, B. Brkić, N. France, A. T. Clare, C. J. Sutcliffe, P. R. Chalker, L. Gao, S. A. Smith and R. G. Cooks, Miniature QMF and LIT using LBMT for HEMS applications, The 7th Harsh Environment Mass Spectrometry (HEMS) Workshop, Santa Barbara, California, USA (September 2009).
- T. J. Hogan, J. Sreekumar, S. Taylor, P. G. Turner, C. Knott, A. Provenzano and B. Garney, Point of sample QMS for the identification of low mass isotopes, The 57th ASMS Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (June 2009).
- S. Taylor, B. Brkić, T. J. Hogan, A. T. Clare and N. France, Fundamentals of miniature quadrupole mass filters, The 57th ASMS Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (June 2009).
- T. J. Hogan, J. Sreekumar, S. Taylor, P. G. Turner, C. Knott, A. Provenzano and B. Garney, Advanced modelling of a miniature QMS, The 4th Materials Science in Action Conference, Aldermaston, UK (November 2008).
- F. Salarzaei and S. Taylor, Oil-in-water monitoring using miniature mass spectrometry, The 10th Oil-in-Water Monitoring Workshop, Aberdeen, UK (September 2008).
- J. Sreekumar, B. Brkić, N. France, T. J. Hogan, J. R. Gibson and S. Taylor, Simulation of a QMS with an electron impact ion source including pressure dependence, The 30th BMSS Annual Meeting, York, UK (September 2008).
- B. Brkić, N. France, S. Taylor, A. T. Clare, C. J. Sutcliffe and P. R. Chalker, Towards portable mass spectrometry: design, simulations, fabrication and testing of a miniature quadrupole mass spectrometer, The 30th BMSS Annual Meeting, York, UK (September 2008).
- B. Brkić, N. France, T. J. Hogan and S. Taylor, Advanced modeling of a QMS to include ion source and mass filter, The 56th ASMS Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA (June 2008).
- T. J. Hogan, S. Taylor, K. Cheung, L. Velásquez-García and A. I. Akinwande, Simulation of a square electrode MEMS quadrupole mass filter operating in stability zones 1 and 3, The 56th ASMS Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA (June 2008).
- B. Brkić, N. France, T. J. Hogan and S. Taylor, 3D modelling of a miniature ion source for RGA, The 8th RGA Users Group Meeting, Oxford, UK (March 2008).
- T. J. Hogan, J. R. Gibson and S. Taylor, RGA performance simulation in the first and third stability zones,The 8th RGA Users Group Meeting, Oxford, UK (March 2008).
- T. J. Hogan, N. France, J. R. Gibson and S. Taylor, A design and simulation tool for miniature mass spectrometers, The 6th Harsh Environment Mass Spectrometry (HEMS) Workshop, Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA (September 2007).
- N. France, T. J. Hogan, B. Brkić, R. Hathaway, S. Shannon and S. Taylor, Ion source for a miniature RGA: results and simulation for zone 1 and zone 3 operation, The 7th RGA Users Group Meeting, Warrington, UK (September 2006).
- S. Taylor and M. R. Preston, Miniature mass spectrometry - a novel approach to underwater chemical sensor technology, The NERC Technology Forum, Liverpool, UK (July 2006).
- P. G. Turner A. Dugdale, S. Taylor and I. Young, Miniature mass spectrometry in equine anaesthetic monitoring, Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists (AVA) Conference, Liverpool, UK (April 2006).
- B. Brkić, T. J. Hogan and S. Taylor, Advanced modelling of quadrupole mass filters and ion traps, The 28th BMSS Annual Meeting, York, UK (September 2005).
- P. G. Turner, S. Taylor and J. R. Gibson, Simulation results for round and hyperbolic electrodes in the lower (zone I) and upper (zone 3) for the QMS, The 6th RGA Users Group Meeting, Oxford, UK (February 2005).
- P. G. Turner, S. Taylor, J. R. Gibson and K. Cooke, Improving quadrupole mass spectrometry for quantitative analysis, International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry (MASSA 2004), pp. 21-22, Bari, Italy (September 2004).
- P. G. Turner, K. Cooke and S.Taylor, Validation of quadrupole mass spectrometry for process monitoring of an ethylene plant, The 8th International Symposium on Chemistry in the Oil Industry, Manchester, UK (November 2003).
- P. G. Turner, S. Taylor, J. H. Leck, T. Matthews, K. Cooke, E. Clarke, C. Harwood, H. Frampton and D. Anderson, Multivariate analysis of North Sea natural gas, The 4th Harsh Environment Mass Spectrometry (HEMS) Workshop, St Petersburg, Florida, USA (October 2003).
- S. Taylor, Developments in miniature mass spectrometry for intelligent sensing, Intelligent Sensing Programme Meeting, London, UK (July 2003).
- S. Taylor, RGA using miniature and microengineered systems, European Vacuum Conference (E-VAC 2003), Berlin, Germany (June 2003).
- S. Taylor, Quadrupole mass spectrometry using MEMS: present and future, PITTCON Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA (March 2003).
- S. Taylor, M. Aceves, J. R. Gibson, K. Cooke, P. Turner, N. Whitley, M. Norrey, C. Murphy, M. Milton and M. Coleman, Establishing QMS as a traceable and quantitative analytical tool, PITTCON Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA (March 2003).
- S. Taylor, B. Srigengan and J. R. Gibson, Miniature mass spectrometry: implications for monitoring of gas discharges,Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications (GD2002), pp. 184-187, Liverpool, UK (September 2002).
- S. Taylor, Miniature QMS using MEMS: experimental and simulated results, PITTCON Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (March 2002).
- S. Taylor and R. R. A. Syms, Review of RGA using miniature and microengineered systems, The 4th RGA Users Meeting, Oxford, UK (November 2001).
- S. Taylor, Residual gas analysis using microengineered systems, International Vacuum Congress (IVC-15), San Francisco, California, USA (October 2001).
- S. Taylor, B. Srigengan and R. R. A. Syms, Miniature QMS: the problems and possibilities, Chromatography and Separation Technology (CAST) 20, pp. 7-10 (October 2001).
- S. Taylor, Novel developments in quadrupole mass spectrometry for process gas monitoring, Process Monitoring: “New Instrumentation and Developments”, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Teddington, UK (June 2001).
- S. Taylor, Miniature mass spectrometry - the possibilities and the problems, Chromatographic Society Meeting (NW Region Analytical Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry), Runcorn, UK (February 2001).
- W. D. Yuan, B. Srigengan, J. W. Spencer, S. Taylor, J. Lopez-Roldan and M. Oliver, Residual gas analysis of SF6 and SF6-N2 gas mixtures after low current disconnector switching, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications (GD2000), pp. 860-863, Glasgow, UK (September 2000).
- S. Taylor, B. Srigengan, J. R. Gibson, R. F. Tindall, R. R. A. Syms, T. J. Tate and M. M. Ahmad, Miniature mass spectrometer for chemical and biological sensing, Proceedings of the SPIE Vol. 4036: Chemical and Biological Sensing, pp. 187-193, Orlando, Florida, USA (April 2000).
- R. R. A. Syms, M. M. Ahmad, T. J. Tate and S. Taylor, Development of microengineered parallel arrayed quadrupole mass spectrometers, Royal Society of Chemistry/Chromatographic Society Analytical Division: CEG Group Meeting on Miniaturisation in Analytical Chemistry, Linnean Society, London, UK (March 2000).
- S. Taylor, B. Srigengan, J. H. Leck, R. D. Tindall, R. R. A. Syms, T. Tate and M. M. Ahmad, Low cost RGA using a miniature quadrupole mass spectrometer, The 3rd RGA Users Meeting, Warrington, UK (January 2000).
- S. Taylor, Quadrupole mass spectrometry using MEMS, American Vacuum Symposium (AVS), Seattle, Washington, USA (October 1999).
- R. R. A. Syms, T. J. Tate, M. M. Ahmad and S. Taylor, MS on a chip, The Royal Society of Chemistry Meeting on Microtechnology in Analytical Chemistry, Zeneca Agrochemicals, Bracknell, UK (June 1999).
- J. J. Tunstall, S. Taylor and A. Vourdas, Application of a static magnetic field to the mass filter of a quadrupole mass spectrometer, The 14th International Vacuum Congress, IVC-14, Birmingham, UK (September 1998).
- S. Taylor, J. J. Tunstall, J. H. Leck, R. F. Tindall, J. P. Jullien, J. Batey, R. R. A. Syms, T. Tate and M. M. Ahmad, Performance improvements for a miniature quadrupole with a micromachined mass filter, The 14th International Vacuum Congress, IVC-14, Birmingham, UK (September 1998).
- S. Taylor, J. J. Tunstall, T. J. Tate, R. R. A. Syms and M. M. Ahmad, Silicon micromachined mass filter for a low power low cost quadrupole mass spectrometer, Proceedings of the IEEE 11th International Workshop on Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS 98), Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 438-442 (January 1998).
- R. R. A Syms, T. J. Tate, M. A. Ahmad, S. Taylor and H. A. Dorey, Development of a microengineered quadrupole mass spectrometer, Anglo-Japanese Workshop on Microengineering and the Global Environment, Abingdon, UK (November 1996).
- J. J. Tunstall, A. C. C. Voo and S. Taylor, Computer simulation of a quadrupole mass spectrometer mass filter, The 22nd BMSS Annual Meeting, Swansea, UK (September 1996).