Dr Zeineb Djebali BA MALit MBA PhD

Senior Lecturer (Entrepreneurship) Strategy, IB and Entrepreneurship


I teach entrepreneurship modules for both Undergraduate (UG) and MSc (PG) programmes. Besides, I contribute to the design and delivery of entrepreneurship programmes/modules at UG and PG levels, and Research Methods for MBA programmes (Full-time and Exec). I have supervised circa 100 MSc and MBA dissertation projects to completion.

In all my teaching, I follow ‘enquiry-based’ and ‘research-led’ teaching to ensure students are not only equipped with the latest entrepreneurship theories but also support the development of their enterprising skills/mindset to give them a competitive advantage in the job market. I ensure that all my teaching has relevance to practice. With an experiential learning approach, I encourage students to be immersed with real-life entrepreneurs/start-ups to develop the necessary attributes and behaviours of what it means to be enterprising, as well as offering insights into being an entrepreneur. This is achieved through the practice-oriented teaching as well as practical workshops to stimulate entrepreneurial thinking, creativity and innovation, all of which are relevant to both start-ups and job market. In the past, I led a series of start-up series with entrepreneurs/founders/investors (both UK and internationally) to support students’ understanding of the myths and realities of entrepreneurship. In addition to my commitment to teaching and learning excellence, I also take an active role in mentoring students’ start ups and support the development of their business opportunities from the ground up.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The disruption that digital technologies brought in all industries, has created new challenges and opportunities for businesses of all sizes including Start-ups, SMEs, Corporates as well those in self-employment. The different channels used to satisfy customer needs and wants, have now become even more complex and significant, creating an exciting, dynamic but also challenging environment for both entrepreneurs and businesses. Entrepreneurship and innovation enable students to demonstrate their knowledge of the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in creating integrated innovative solutions using their entrepreneurial thinking to real world business challenges.

Entrepreneurship and Business Modelling

Entrepreneurship with its focus on innovation, has been seen to be the means by which businesses and economies achieve sustained competitive advantage. Entrepreneurship and Business Modelling enable students to explore the concepts and application of business modelling to real life contexts. The use of the Business Model Canvas, pioneered by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) provides the tool for students to design real solutions to business contexts, as well as develop an understanding of how organisations and start ups create, deliver and capture value.

Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise

Social entrepreneurship has been seen the panacea by which social entrepreneurial ventures develop solutions to pressing social and environmental problems. Social entrepreneurship and social enterprise enable students to explore the role social entrepreneurs play in creating social impact, through business practices. The use of the social business model canvas and the concept of social innovation, enable students to develop their innovative thinking in solving societal problems through entrepreneurial solutions.

Modules for 2023-24


Module code: PSYC398

Role: Teaching

Becoming Entrepreneurial

Module code: ULMS715

Role: Module Co-ordinator

Becoming Entrepreneurial

Module code: ULMS254

Role: Module Co-ordinator

Becoming Entrepreneurial

Module code: ULMS896

Role: Module Co-ordinator