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Daniel Xing

Dr Daniel Xing
BEng, MSc, PhD


+44 (0)151 795 7860


Daniel has been a member of the Management School at the University of Liverpool since 2019. He holds a PhD from the same institution, focusing his research on enhancing the profitability of tank container operators through optimized container network design, efficient decision-making in job fulfillment, and cost-effective empty container repositioning. Before pursuing his studies in England, Daniel accrued nearly four years of experience at various companies, including Toyota and SpecTec (a shipping management consultancy), in China.

His academic pursuits and professional background synergize adeptly, enabling him to bridge theoretical research with practical business applications seamlessly. Daniel's expertise lies in maritime logistics, road transport, and supply chain management, with a keen interest in blockchain applications. He is particularly enthusiastic about employing simulation and mathematical programming techniques to solve complex problems and extract valuable insights.

Daniel's scholarly contributions have been disseminated through esteemed publications such as the Journal of Operations Management (FT 50 & ABS 4*), European Journal of Operational Research (ABS 4), International Journal of Operations and Production Management (ABS 4), Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (ABS 3), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (ABS 3) and Annals of Operations Research (ABS 3), among others. Additionally, he serves as an editorial board member for Transportation Research Part E and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management and contributes as a regular reviewer for esteemed operations management and operational research journals, including the Journal of Operations Management and European Journal of Operational Research etc..

Beyond academia, Daniel actively engages with the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) under the guidance of the UK Parliament House of Lords. Notably, he co-authored a policy whitepaper focusing on the future applications of Web 3.0 and the Metaverse, demonstrating his commitment to exploring the intersection of technology and policy for societal advancement.

Prizes or Honours

  • Principal Investigator of BA/Leverhulme Small Grant (British Academy, 2024)
  • Principal Investigator of Early Career Researcher & Returners Fund (University of Liverpool, 2021, 2021)
  • Paper Competition First Place Award (The 10th International Conference on Systematic Innovation, 2019)
  • Certificate of Teaching Excellence (University of Liverpool Management School, 2019)