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Hi, I'm Tim. I'm particularly interested in the interactions between the government and the banking sector, of which there are many.

I teach ECON355 Debates in Macroeconomic policy where we discuss a wide range of topics and what economics can teach us about them. I'm also a tutor and Academic Advisor on ECON 128 Development of Economic Thought.

I'm also the Deputy Director of Studies for the BSc programme so I help organize the Research Bites talks to raise awareness of faculty research and the Student Research Assistance Scheme which gives students the opportunity to work directly with researchers on a current project. Plus you get paid..!

My office hour is 2-3pm on Mondays. Typically I do this via Zoom at the following link.

Join Zoom Meeting to an external site.

Meeting ID: 961 6297 0348
Passcode: nkc20$!b

Do send me an email if you'd like to meet face-to-face in my office.