Photo of Dr Chi Wan Cheang

Dr Chi Wan Cheang PhD

Lecturer in Economics Economics


Research Overview

Dr. Chi Wan Cheang has research interests in time series analysis and applied econometrics, particularly on topics related to nonstationary and nonlinear modelling of macroeconomic and financial data, and the impacts of housing and planning policies.

Time Series Econometrics

Cointegration, fractional cointegration; nonlinearity and regime-switching; GARCH models; Vector autoregressions

Housing Economics and Planning

Housing need modelling; Affordable housing; Land value capture

Research Collaborations

Planning Research Institute


Engaged in a collaboration with the Planning Research Institute (PRI), a UK-based centre specialising in urban and environmental planning, committed to fostering sustainable, resilient, and equitable urban spaces. The diverse team at PRI has facilitated a profound understanding of various planning methodologies, ranging from quantitative and qualitative research to policy evaluation and consultancy. Working together, they aspire to transform scholarly insights into practical urban planning solutions. Significant projects include collaborations with the UK Central Government, which have drawn substantial investments in affordable housing and infrastructure. Particularly noteworthy is the partnership with Cobalt Housing, contributing to the regeneration of North Liverpool.