ULMS student nominated at prestigious Undergraduate of the Year awards

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Last week final year Business Economics student Vrajti Shukla attended an awards ceremony after making it to the top 10 for the targetjobs Female Undergraduate of the Year, at the prestigious Undergraduate of the Year Awards 2024. This national competition aims to find the best students in the UK, there was a record number of over 5000 applications this year.

Each award is partnered by an employer who provides a fantastic prize for the winner, which could include a paid partnership, a trip abroad or other exclusive opportunities. To enter, students must nominate themselves and then go through at least 3 rounds of an application process, including essay questions, online tests provided by SHL and then an in-person assessment with the award partner, which was Rolls- Royce for this category.

Vrajti had this to say about her experience;

“I had a lovely time meeting all the other amazing finalists and engaging with a group of truly inspiring young women!

It was an absolute honour to represent the University of Liverpool Management School and would like to thank Anne Pettitt from the schools Employability Team for invaluable advice on the assessment centre process.

I had a lovely time meeting all the other amazing finalists and engaging with a group of truly inspiring young women!”

Director of Studies for our Business Economics programme Yontem Sonmez reflected on the incredible achievement of making it to the final and had some words of encouragement to students currently studying with us or hoping to study with us in the future:

“Don't underestimate what you have to offer!  Whether it's academic achievements, leadership qualities, or a passion for a particular cause, you all possess unique strengths and talents.  Entering similar competitions can be incredibly rewarding, both personally and professionally. I am incredibly proud of Vrajti and her outstanding accomplishment”.