Professor Nick Papageorgiadis appointed Associate Editor for ‘Industry and Innovation’

Professor Nick Papageorgiadis has been selected as one of the three new associate editors for the internationally recognised journal ‘Industry and Innovation’.
As 2024 starts, our School’s current Chair in International Business joins the editorial team of this prestigious publication, alongside Isabel Bodas Freitas (Grenobe Ecole de Management) and Mariano Mastrogiorgio (IE University).
In his new role as Associate Editor, Nick will manage submissions at the intersection of innovation and international business, with a focus on papers dealing with international knowledge protection, intellectual property (IP) regimes and IP enforcement.
Throughout his career, Nick has undertaken extensive research in these areas, specifically in national patent and IP enforcement strength, as well as firm level IP enforcement strategies worldwide.
His scholarly activity has contributed to gain a better understanding of their effect on international business phenomena, international business strategies of firms and managerial decision making.
Nick’s work has been published at prestigious international academic journals, and the results of his research has impacted the way practitioners in several countries manage the enforcement of patents across borders.
In particular, his ‘Patent Enforcement Index 1998-2017’ has a documented impact on the work of IP professionals in more than 19 countries in managerial, legal and policymaking roles.
For example, the index is used by in-house patent managers (eg to inform patent filing decisions), external patent attorneys (eg to educate clients about patent enforcement risks) and policymakers (eg to evaluate national patent enforcement strength and develop evidence-informed policies).
The appointment as Associate Editor of ‘Industry and Innovation’ recognises his career trajectory and contribution to the areas of International Business.
Congratulations Nick!