Professor Robert Blackburn Awarded Fellow of ISBE

Professor Robert Blackburn was awarded Fellow of Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) at their Annual Conference, held on 9th November at Aston University.
The ISBE’s appointment is in recognition of Professor Blackburn’s significant contribution to the Institute and his outstanding record of past achievements.
Throughout his career, Professor Blackburn has been a keen supporter of ISBE and regularly attended the annual conference.
His research interests include examining the behaviour of small firms, the people involved (self-employed, entrepreneurs, business owners), their motivations and ambitions, strategies, and interactions with their environments.
He has a strong track record of securing external research funding from a range of sponsors, including national and international, public, and private organisations.
Upon receipt of his award, Robert commented ‘I was settling down to the Conference dinner with colleagues and was pleasantly surprised when I heard the announcement.
ISBE is the largest entrepreneurship conference in the UK and I am so proud to receive this accolade. I look forward to supporting ISBE and its excellent work’.
About The Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE)
ISBE is a network for people and organisations involved in small business and entrepreneurship research, policy, practice, education, support and advice.
ISBE’s members are its most valuable resource, offering vast reserves of knowledge and research.
Through events and activities, ISBE aims to disseminate this research to business owners, policy makers and business support organisations where it can have genuine impact and inform change, and to share these resources with academics, researchers and educators.
Through ISBE’s network and activities, academics, business owners, policy makers and those who work in business support are able to connect and form beneficial working relationships.