Professor Abderrahim Taamouti named Econometric Society Fellow

The University of Liverpool Management School congratulates Professor Abderrahim Taamouti on his election as Fellow of the Econometric Society.
Abderrahim was officially welcomed to this selected group of international researchers on 9 October 2023 alongside another 28 new fellows, who expanded the current list to 845 academics.
The Econometric Society is the most prestigious learned society in the field of economics, with election as a Fellow being considered an honour within the profession.
Commenting on Abderrahim's designation, Chair in Macroeconomics and Economics Group Lead, Professor Oliver de Groot, said: "Being elected a fellow is a very prestigious honour and a well-deserved recognition of Abderrahim’s contribution to econometrics research and the profession more generally.”
The society promotes studies that contribute to the advancement of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics, and aims to unify theoretical-quantitative and empirical-quantitative approaches to economic problems.
Fellowship is a significant milestone that recognises prior professional achievements in technical areas of economics, requiring endorsement of at least three Econometric Society members as well as evidence of relevant research contributions to the field.
"Becoming a Fellow of the Econometric Society is a profound acknowledgment of the dedication and passion I have poured into the field of econometrics", Aberrahim said.
"I am immensely grateful for the invaluable experiences and academic growth that I have gained throughout my journey.
"This prestigious honor not only reflects my individual efforts, but also celebrates the collective excellence and mentorship that my past and current institutions such as the Department of Economics at the University of Liverpool Management School have provided, propelling me toward new horizons in economic research and analysis."
Alongside being a Professor and Chair in Applied Econometrics, Abderrahim is also the Director of the School’s Liverpool Advanced Methods for Big Data Analytics (LAMBDA) Research Cluster, and has an extensive carreer as a researcher, with several publications in internationally renowned journals in Econometrics, Finance and Statistics.
Abderrahim's work encompasses a wide range of topics, including Granger causality analysis, high-dimensional data analysis, non-parametric estimation and tests, machine learning, asset pricing, etc.