European Marketing Academy elects Professor Michael Haenlein as new VP Publications

Management School’s Professor, Michael Haenlein, has been elected as the new ‘Vice-president Publications’ for the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), the European equivalent to the American Marketing Academy (AMA).
As one of the six vice-president roles in the EMAC’s Executive Committee, Michael will be responsible for the association’s flagship publication, the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM).
This will include making recommendations on practical aspects of running the journal, including publication contracts and policies, subscription rates and budget, as well as assisting its publisher, Elsevier, in developing strategies to maximise circulation for the journal.
The IJMR is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal for marketing academics and practitioners, aimed at expanding the field of marketing research by providing a high-quality medium to disseminate new knowledge and methods.
From his election at the end of March, Michael will hold the new position for three years, following a 10 year career as editor, area editor and editorial review board member, at the AMA’s Academic Council and renown journals, including the IJRM, Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and Journal of Retailing.
Michael’s impressive academic profile is backed up by a prolific research career focused on the study of the impact of new technologies on firms and consumers, and roles at several European institutions.
At the Management School, Michael holds the position of Chair of Responsible Research in Marketing, and he is also Professor of Marketing at the ESCP Business School in Paris.
Michael is also an Adjunct Teaching Fellow at the Trinity Business School in Dublin and a permanent Visiting Professor at Kozminski University in Warsaw.