Management School awarded two mKTP projects

The Management School has recently been successful in securing two Management Knowledge Transfer Partnership (mKTP) projects with Kays Medical and Kays Logistics, based in Liverpool City Region.
Both projects will involve academics from the School’s Operations and Supply Chain Management group and the Centre of Supply Chain Research. One project will transform the company’s catalogue of training provisions into a fully digital, interactive and gamified suite of learning modules. The other will optimise logistics processes through the use of analytics and new digital solutions.
Gareth Sutton, Chief Financial Officer at Kays said, “We’re excited to be collaborating with the Management School as the partnership will really help us utilise sophisticated data analytics and cutting-edge technologies to streamline our operations and develop gamified training platforms for our clients. The mKTP’s will provide a framework to fully embed the new learning into the business.”
The Management School, since its foundation and through its predecessors, has a 30-year history of delivering KTP’s. Academics, KTP Associates and businesses have worked together on identifying challenges, developing solutions, and embedding knowledge transfer on a wide range of topics including: Strategic Marketing; Agile & Lean Manufacturing; Software Solutions; Client Engagement; Quality Management; New Markets Strategies; Change Management; System Integration; Sustainable Growth; Online Retail; and Gamification.
KTP projects are supported and part-funded by Innovate UK to power innovation by connecting aspirational businesses, the UK’s universities, and talented graduates. To find out more about how the Management School could work with businesses on a KTP or mKTP please contact