MSc Human Resource Management Consultancy Day 2023

On Friday 10 March over 70 MSc Human Resource Management students took part in a Consultancy Day Workshop as part of their professional development on the ULMS550 module: Human Resource Management: Academic and Practitioner Perspectives.
Taking place at the Management School, sets of student consulting teams worked with Barry Challinor, Audit Senior Associate at BDO, Haroon Hassan, Talent Acquisition Specialist at Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and Vicky Gawith, Founder of Merseymade plus 2017 MSc Human Resources alum Mahdiya Malik, Culture & Sustainability Manager at Vaultex, throughout the morning. Each client representative provided students with information about their organisation and a consultancy briefing with regard to recruitment requirements. Student consulting groups had the opportunity to engage with clients to develop an in-depth understanding of organisational and industry challenges in recruitment.
Once briefings were shared, students spent time collaborating with their groups, and brainstorming and generating practical solutions to the challenges presented by their client organisations. Students were required to create bespoke recruitment strategies that met the business needs of their clients and present these to clients in afternoon presentations that were then assessed by a panel of experts, including the client, HR experts, and members from the Careers and Employability team.
Client feedback was extremely positive with all of them stating that they would be taking ideas back to their organisations. HR representatives were also impressed with the depth of knowledge on HR practices that students showcased.
Commenting on the success of the day Professor Lilian Otaye-Ebede, Director of Studies for the MSC HRM Programme, said: “The inaugural MSc HRM Consultancy/Assessment Day was an excellent, successful, and thought-provoking day for all present.
"Thanks to Tonia from TG Consulting, Haroon Hassan, Barry Challinor, Mahdiya Malik, Vicky Gawith, Dr. Salma Raheem and all those who supported in various ways to make the day a success.
“Students experienced what it meant to be HR professionals and went away with enhanced employability skills.”
Dr Salma Raheem, ULMS550 module leader, also said: “I’m very proud to see how far students have grown in their professional development, with the Consultancy Workshop as a culmination of their learning journey on this module.
"I’m particularly pleased that this development has been recognized by external organisational representatives, with all of them repeatedly mentioning that they were very happy with the quality of student presentations and planning to take suggestions made by my students, back to their organisations.
"Student feedback has been phenomenal with comments such as “I feel more confident about what I have studied so far, and feel like application is now easier.”; “ I learnt a lot about practical aspects of HRM and to bring skills in workplace” and “It was good to put theory and learning into practice with real-world problems and companies.”
The entire day was facilitated and run by award-winning employability specialist Tonia Galati and her team at TG Consulting Ltd.