Dr Yuanjun Feng wins best PhD thesis award in Maritime Economics and Logistics subject

Congratulations to Dr Yuanjun Feng who has recently been awarded the Best PhD Thesis (the MEL ‘Springer-Palgrave-Macmillan’ Prize) in the 8th Maritime Economics & Logistics (MEL) PhD Competition in the 2019-2022 triennium.
The award was announced at the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Conference 2022, Busan, Korea, on 14-16 September 2022. Yuanjun completed her PhD study at ULMS in early 2022 under the supervision of Professor Dongping Song and Dr Dong Li. Yuanjun has since joined the Operations & Supply Chain Management Subject Group in July 2022 as a new staff member.
Yuanjun's PhD thesis addressed two key operations optimisation problems at container terminals: the storage location assignment problem and the container relocation problem under uncertain truck arrivals. She proposed smart stacking strategies for the first problem and flexible service policies for the second problem to improve the import container retrieval efficiency at container terminals.
The modelling and solution approaches developed in her thesis advance the knowledge on operations research methods for yard operations problems and can provide decision support to facilitate terminal operators in implementing the proposed strategies.