Available student support during University closure

Over the festive period, the University of Liverpool Management School and the Student Support Office will be closed from Friday 20 December at 6pm until Thursday 2 January 2025.
During this time, if you require any support or out-of-hours services and need to contact someone see the important information below:
Library access
The Sydney Jones Library will be open between 8am and 10pm each day until Thursday 19 December. Between Friday 20 December and Thursday 2 January, opening hours are variable so you should check details before visiting.
There will be full closures between 24 – 26 December (inclusive) and 31 December – 1 January (inclusive), with reduced hours on other days.
Full details of Library opening hours over the festive period can be accessed here.
Sport Liverpool
The University’s Sports and Fitness Centre will be closed from 2pm on Sunday 22 December and will re-open at 7am on Thursday 2 January.
For further details, please visit www.liv.ac.uk/sports.
Events and activities
If you are staying in Liverpool, there is lots to do over the break.
Check out the My Liverpool app and Visit Liverpool to see what you can do in the city.
Student support
Wellbeing Holiday drop-in
Over the winter break period, Student Services will be providing a Wellbeing Holiday drop-in support session. Join the Wellbeing Team for a chat and refreshments in the KnowHow Room, Sydney Jones Library, 10am – 3pm on Monday, 30 December.
Tips for spending the Christmas break at university
Remaining at university over the festive period may feel challenging. Student Minds has put together some tips you might find helpful for navigating the coming weeks; ideas include having a plan for each day, incorporating daily exercise and exploring volunteering opportunities so you can spend time with others.
Campus safety:
Any students concerned about safety over the Christmas break period can find further guidance about how to keep yourself, your property and possessions safe here.
Urgent support:
- If you require emergency help please call 999.
- If you are on campus and require immediate assistance you can call Campus Support on: 0151 794 3252 (43252 from internal phone). In an emergency call 0151 794 2222.
- If you are staying in University halls you can get help and advice from the hall staff.
- Health Assured offers a 24/7 freephone helpline at 0800 028 3766. Qualified counsellors and advisors are there to offer help to anyone who needs it.
Mental wellbeing
- For anyone experiencing significant mental health difficulties in the Liverpool area that requires immediate help, please call the Merseycare Crisis line on 0800 145 6570
- Liverpool Light Mental Health Crisis Support – a preventative out-of-hours mental health crisis service based at 181-185 London Road, Liverpool, L3 8JG: this service provides a safe place for people who are experiencing or at risk of a mental health crisis
- The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) takes a stand against suicide - the helpline, web chat, and website, provide useful information and support for all: 0800 585858
- PAPYRUS is the UK Charity for the prevention of young suicide – contact HOPELINE 24/7 on 0800 068 4141
- You can text SHOUT (https://giveusashout.org/) free of charge from any UK mobile network and get confidential advice and support straight to your mobile
- If you need to talk to someone in confidence the Samaritans (https://www.samaritans.org/) have a 24-hour phone line which is free to call: 116 123
- No Panic provides help and support to people affected by panic attacks, phobias and other anxiety disorders: 08449674848
- Cruse Bereavement Care is a national charity that exists to offer support, advice and information to children, young people, and adults - the National Helpline number is 0808 8081677
- If you identify as LGBTQ+ you can call Galop on 0800 999 5428 for emotional and practical support.
Physical wellbeing
- If you are feeling unwell, you can contact your GP, or visit a Walk-In Centre or pharmacy. Information and advice about NHS services is available at https://www.nhs.uk. If you need help now, but it’s not an emergency, visit https://111.nhs.uk/ or call 111
- SAFE Place Merseyside (http://www.safeplacemerseyside.org.uk/) is the Sexual Assault Referral Centre for the Merseyside area. They offer a service for both males and females who have been sexually assaulted - for services in other areas of the UK, you can search for support by geographical location
- Women can call The Freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline, run by Refuge, on 0808 2000 247 at any time, day or night. Staff will offer confidential, non-judgemental information and support
- Men can call Respect Men's Advice Line on 0808 8010 327 (Monday to Friday, 10:00 to 20:00), or visit the webchat at Men's Advice Line (https://mensadviceline.org.uk/) which is available on Wednesdays from 10:00 to 11:30 and 14:00 to 16:00, for non-judgemental information and support. Men can also contact ManKind on 0182 3334 244 (Monday to Friday, 10:00 to 16:00).