Management School hosts Business Breakfast on B2B Social Media Marketing
The Management School hosted its latest Business Breakfast on Tuesday 17 May with guest speaker Dr Severina Cartwright, Lecturer in Marketing at the School, and Ruth Hartnoll, Founder and Content Director of Matchstick Creative, a local purpose-driven digital marketing agency.
Severina’s presentation focussed on her research into B2B social media marketing and she highlighted some of the key traits of companies that are using social media effectively and how they develop their social media strategy, with ‘social listening’ being an important part of early planning. She also shared key stages of social media strategy development for businesses, with suggestions on how to progress through the stages towards a well-designed plan embedded into business activity.
Ruth encouraged participants to consider their values and tone of voice as part of their social media communications, leading a highly interactive session where people shared their thoughts. She also cited examples of organisations using tone of voice effectively to strengthen their brand (as well as instances where the company got it wrong and what a good response to that looked like).
A lively Q&A session followed the presentations with both speakers giving helpful insights and tips to support businesses with their social media content and planning. There were queries about how to undertake ‘social listening’, and how to encourage and support employees to be part of business social media comms.
Hazel Kennedy, External Engagement Manager at the Management School said,
“This session was particularly engaging as many businesses are relying more on social media to reach target audiences and, as Severina mentioned, posting on social media is no longer 'just a job for a Friday afternoon'.
"We were delighted to see discussions continuing after the session and provide the opportunity for people to share ideas.”
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