Management School signs corporate partnership with local robotics firm

The University of Liverpool Management School is delighted to announce the signing of a new corporate partnership agreement with CNC Robotics.
The Management School and the Liverpool based robotics specialists, who took part in the Management School’s Growth Catalyst programme in 2017, have continued to work together over the last few years on a number of initiatives including; a combined project involving postgraduate and undergraduate students working on market research; CNC taking part in the recent “We Can Work it Out” programme ran by the ULMS Postgraduate Careers team; and CNC providing an MBA student with a Work Based Project.
Philippa Glover, Managing Director at CNC Robotics commented on the new partnership stating that “As an SME based in Liverpool, becoming a corporate partner of Liverpool’s Management school will enable us to continue to raise awareness of how exciting and rewarding a career in manufacturing is; provide growth opportunities for learners and access new ideas to help us as a business, as we continue to scale up and grow.”
Anne Donnelly, Business Development Manager at the Management School, said “It is fantastic that school has been able to secure this partnership with CNC Robotics and formalise a basis for further collaboration. We are looking forward to working with the CNC Robotics team and developing some new and exciting opportunities.”