Winner of 2020 Newhall Entrepreneurship Research Impact Award announced

The Management School’s Centre for Entrepreneurship and Newhall Publishing have awarded the 2020 Newhall Entrepreneurship Research Impact Award to Dr Julia Zielke.
Dr Zielke graduated from ULMS with a PhD in July 2020.
Dr Andrew Douglas, Chairman of Newhall Publishing, said: “Newhall is delighted to support this award, which recognises the research that has had the most outstanding impact over the last year at the University of Liverpool Management School. At Newhall we are very proud of our long-standing commitment to charitable giving, so I am pleased to see this award has been made for research which focuses on community wellbeing, empowerment and societal benefit.”
Professor Pablo Munoz said:"At the Management School, we want celebrate and encourage methodologically rigorous and societally beneficial studies contributing knowledge with the potential to make the world a better place. Julia’s research is an excellent example of this. Her PhD project tackles problems that are both societal and policy relevant, around the ‘mental health crisis’ and its inextricable link to socio-economic and housing inequalities. Not surprisingly, she already received funding for policy workshops on ‘good jobs’ and ‘climate resilience’, which I am sure will benefit a range of actors in the UK and beyond."
Dr Julia Zielke said: “My time at Liverpool has profoundly shaped my understanding of how sustainably tackling the mental health crisis requires support and action from multiple actors in academia, policy and beyond. I am delighted that the Newhall Management Research Prize is recognising the timely importance of this call to action and grateful to be the recipient of this impact award. My current interdisciplinary research on transgender health service provision is continuing my passion for understanding wellbeing through the lens of social empowerment.”
"As for my current job, currently I am a senior lecturer in sociology at CODE University Berlin, a project-based start-up university. From March this year, I am a postdoctoral fellow at Bielefeld University, School of Public Health where I am coordinating an interdisciplinary project on transgender health care provision and policy.