Master’s students take part in consultancy challenge

Students from across the Management School’s master’s programmes attended the launch of the 2020 ‘We Can Work It Out’ consultancy challenge.
The challenge involves participants working with a real-life business to solve a consultancy issue they have. The businesses involved this year include; Chester Zoo, Decathlon, Bank View Hire, Globe Heat, Mando, Santander, PWC, The Very Group, Openprogrammatic, Sysdoc and 2030 Hub.
Working in groups, students now have four weeks to come up with ideas and solutions for the business challenge they have been given. As part of the process, they will have the opportunity to attend various workshops and will have access to a consultancy expert.
Janet Logan, MSc Careers Advisor, commented: “The ‘We Can Work It Out’ Consultancy Challenge is a fantastic opportunity for students to connect and work with graduate employers. It will really help them further develop their employability skills which will be crucial when applying for jobs.
We are looking forward to seeing the final presentations from each of our groups.”
The final presentations will be held on Wednesday 26 February. Winning groups will be entered into a prize draw for the chance to receive Amazon vouchers.