Management School representatives take part in research ideas exchange at XJTLU

A number of Management School staff and PhD students recently took part in a research ideas exchange at XJTLU.
The two-day event included various research talks and meetings, during which attendees were able to “share with colleagues what we are working on, discuss potential avenues for collaborations, and exchange ideas how to strengthen our partnership” Dr Severina Iankova, Lecturer in Marketing.
Tony So, Lecturer in Marketing at XJTLU, commented that the workshop was a thoroughly enjoyable and productive event which he hopes will continue and Han Yin, PhD student at XJTLU, said “I am more enthusiastic about marketing and consumer behaviour research. It also gives me a clear understanding of how to become an independent scholar.”
During the trip, participants were given the opportunity to develop an understanding of food consumption in China through a tour of the local food market and supermarket. This, along with the research sessions, led to a flow of ideas and allowed staff to develop future research agendas with their colleagues.
Dr Daniela Pirani, Lecturer in Marketing, said that “visiting XJTLU helped me realise how we, both students and staff, manage to bridge two very different contexts through the strive for excellent education and research”. Adding to this Eddy Fang, Senior Associate Professor at XJTLU, said he hopes that “such kind of events can promote exchange and collaboration between the University of Liverpool and XJTLU. Our cross-border partnership is quite unique in higher education and we can leverage it to produce research relevant to global markets.”
Whilst they were at XJLTU, Management School representatives were able to find out more about the University’s biometrics lab. The biometrics lab is a new initiative which hopes to connect researchers from different disciplines across the Universities – offering the capability to quantify different emotions, skin-conductance, heart rate and track eye-movements.
Dr Treasa Kearney, Lecturer in Marketing, said “the visit really provided an understanding of what our colleagues at XJTLU are doing with their research, in particular the new biometrics lab that they are setting up which can provide some interesting and new avenues for research collaboration”.