Leaders of Tomorrow students visit Geneva

MSc students from the Management School’s ‘Leaders of Tomorrow’ programme recently participated in a career trek to Geneva, Switzerland.
The 21 participants were able to see both ends of the business spectrum during the trip: from discovering key tips on how to become effective speakers, through to hearing from inspiring Alumni and visiting the United Nations and the European HQ of Richemont.
Offered to postgraduate students who have achieved the highest results in their studies, the Leaders of Tomorrow programme aims to improve teamwork, communication, networking and leadership skills, as well as providing exposure to companies and industries. Other activities on the programme have included employability workshops, seminars and employer visits.
Sadie Lawty, MSc Careers Consultant, commented “The trip provided our students with a fantastic opportunity to reflect on their networking skills and develop their professional mind-set. By visiting private companies and public organisations it has given them a global outlook and has better equipped them to start their careers in whichever country they choose.
We know that employers look for well-rounded people with a mixture of academic achievements and employability skills, so this trip will have undoubtedly helped students further their careers”.
Students’ response to the programme and the career trek was overwhelming positive. One MSc student started that it was a “…once in a lifetime opportunity to visit companies and explore areas that I would not have thought of otherwise. I have learnt so many important skills throughout the programme that I will take away and use during my career. I am so thankful to have been able to talk to and learn from ambitious and intelligent people as well as visit such interesting and insightful places.”
Read more about the trip from a student perspective.