MSc Human Resource Management students benefit from range of guest speakers

Students studying MSc Human Resource Management have benefited from a range of guest speakers over the current and previous semester.
Last semester played host to speakers including; Catherine Miles, Head of Client Services at The Contact Company, Louise Mustchin, Careers Advisor at The Management School, alongside previous students Katie Mylett, a part-time student from the previous cohort and Chris King, a Human Resource Management graduate now working at Centrepoint.
The talks gave students the chance to interact with industry professionals and also provided them with the opportunity to gain a better understanding of various topics including; differences in culture between organisations, employee relations issues, how to get the most out of their master’s degree and also advice on seeking employment after graduation.
This semester, Katie Winstanley and Heather Deering of Morson International gave further insight into these topics, whilst Vaultex HR hosted a half day case study which was followed by a CIPD evening, led by Sarah Magnier-Ashton on ‘Implementing a successful and holistic CSR strategy’, which students were invited to attend.
Director of Studies MSc Human Resource Management, Jennifer Johnson, said "We embed these talks into the M.Sc. HRM programme as they enable our students to actively learn about the latest ideas about a particular topic beforehand and prepare questions for the speakers. This encourages students to research a topic and also helps them to make sense of HR in practice.
We purposely choose themes that are pioneering within the field of HR, so that our students are ready for the future world of work. Recently, we have looked at 'Health and wellbeing at work' and 'Triple line reporting'. Three companies have already offered our students opportunities to be interns and this will build up their CVs for the future."