Undergraduate students attend ULMS Extra sessions

Undergraduate students have participated in a number of sessions over the course of the first semester as part of the Management School’s ULMS Extra programme.
ULMS Extra is designed to give students the opportunity to enhance their skills and employability outside of their degree programme. Over the past few weeks, the programme has included guest speakers from various organisations including The Bank of England, Warbutons, Rathbones Wealth Management, Kia, The HUT Group, PwC and Professional Liverpool.
As well as external speakers, the programme has also allowed students to attend session on topics such as making the most of recruitment fairs, finding academic information, money advice and guidance, academic writing and critical thinking and analysis.
ULMS Extra will continue in semester two with a new range of guest speakers and employability sessions. Students who wish to attend should check their emails for updates which will include a link to book online.