University hosts careers fair in Shanghai

The University of Liverpool recently hosted a careers fair sponsored by e-learning career development platform, UniCareer, for graduates in China.
The fair was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Shanghai and was attended by over 200 University of Liverpool graduates with 22 employers participating including UniCareer, NuSkin China, Decathlon China, FDM China, Wyeth Nutrition and Noah Holdings.
Throughout the event there were guest speakers who shared insight on topics such as the Chinese overseas job market, CV tips, interviews, online tests and assessment centres. Prior to the fair, there was also a drop in session where graduates could get one to one advice and CV feedback in preparation for the day.
Xiaobei Wu, International Engagement Officer at the Management School, said “This job fair provided an opportunity for engagement between international employers and UoL graduates. We were pleased to see continued high market demand for our graduates reflecting their desirability in the employment market.
It was great seeing students were actively using career service support to maximise their opportunities and strengthen their employability”