Students from The University of Tehran visit Management School

An interdisciplinary group from The University of Tehran, consisting of both undergraduate and postgraduate students, recently visited the Management School to learn more about entrepreneurship.
The group was awarded sponsorship from LG Global Challenger Iran, allowing them to visit a number of UK HE institutions, including London, Oxford and Manchester, to find out about the support they offer to business start-ups.
Whilst at the Management School they were given insight into the Liverpool Start-Up competition, ULMS Extra, entrepreneurship as part of the curricula, start-up options for international students and how ULMS works with businesses.
Lee Wainwright, Employability Projects Officer, said “The visitors were really interested in learning more about how we support and celebrate student enterprise, and how the Liverpool Start-Up Competition is providing training, networking, professional support and funding for undergraduates who are considering starting, or have recently started, their own business.”