ULMS Extra workshop on British Culture
The Management School held the next of its cultural workshops on Tuesday 10th April as part of the ULMS Extra programme.
The session was attended by undergraduate students from across the programmes, as well as a number from Liverpool International College, and focused on British culture. Attendees learnt about how business works in the UK and found out more about different customs and etiquette. The session was useful for both UK students as well as international students who are hoping to find a job here after they graduate.
Feedback from students regarding the culture workshops has been very positive with comments including:
“I have learnt things I would never think to ask about and would definitely sign up for similar opportunities in the future”
“The cultural workshops have been an eye opening and interesting experience about cultures I didn’t have an understanding of”
“I feel like I am more aware of cultural differences. Before the sessions I never really thought about different cultures so this has been very engaging”
“The workshops have made me want to travel and know more about other cultures”