Management School holds workshop on Econometrics and Business Statistics

The Management School held its seventh annual workshop on Econometrics and Business Statistics on Monday 19th March.
Econometricians at Liverpool are involved in a wide variety of work developing econometric theory and applying it to key issues in areas such as finance, development, health, innovation and the efficiency or otherwise of a variety of markets. Several members of the group are advisers to policy makers and the private sector as well as being leading international scholars.
The workshop featured presentations from a number of distinguished speakers including; Frank Windmeijer, University of Bristol, Zudi Lu, University of Southampton, Weining Wang, City, University of London and Michalis Stamatogiannis, University of Liverpool. The talks discussed a number of different economics models and various ongoing studies.
After the workshop delegates attended a wine reception in the Management School followed by a networking dinner.
Dr Ruijun Bu, Senior Lecturer in Econmetrics, said “The ULMS Annual Econometrics Workshop is the flagship event of the Econometrics and Business Statistics research cluster. It provides an excellent interdisciplinary forum for distinguished scholars, UOL researchers and students to disseminate and discuss the latest and most cutting-edge developments in both theoretical and applied econometrics as well as in financial and business statistics.
As an effort to improve research environment, the aim of the workshop is to enhance research communication, promote research collaborations, and generate impact in terms of the visibility of this research group both nationally and internationally.”