Management School re-accredited by AACSB

The University of Liverpool Management School has been re-accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) for a further five years.
AACSB accreditation is the hallmark of excellence in business education. Having received accreditation for the first time in 2012, the extension means that the Management School remains within the top 5% of business schools worldwide.
The Management School in particular was praised for its:
- Positive and supportive faculty culture evident on campus.
- Regular and comprehensive degree program review processes
- Diversity of the online students (170 countries represented) providing ULMS with global reach and exposure.
It was also noted that ULMS students appear to be actively engaged with the learning process and with the opportunities ULMS affords for internships, study abroad and other co-curricular activity. In addition, students reported that faculty members are approachable and helpful.
Julia Balogun, Dean of the Management School, commented, “We are delighted to have received this very positive AACSB reaccreditation as confirmation of the School’s international standing and its growing reputation. Following the significant investments we have made in the School since our first accreditation in 2012, we are fulfilling our mission as a globally connected Management School whose transformative research and teaching places it at the forefront of influential knowledge leadership bringing the School together with students, business and society in learning to make a difference.”
Established in 1916, AACSB is the world’s largest global business education network, connecting educational institutions and businesses to develop exceptional global leaders. AACSB alumni are among the world’s most influential leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs impacting business, government, and non-profit sectors.