Management School receives funding to develop women leaders

The Management School has received funding from the University’s Knowledge Exchange Voucher scheme in order to develop women leaders working for Wood (formerly Amec Foster Wheeler) in its nuclear business.
The LEAD (Leading Enterprise and Development) model has been successfully implemented with owner-managers in SMEs for over 10 years and is now being piloted in the context of developing high potential women leaders. The outcomes that have been achieved by SME managers, which include confidence building, measured risk-taking and the formation of strong networks, closely match those required by women leaders working in male-dominated professions so the project aims to test the LEAD model in a science and engineering setting to see if and how it works.
This project is working in partnership with Wood’s nuclear business to help with their aim of significantly increasing the proportion of women in senior positions by 2020. Delivered by Professor Lisa Anderson, Academic Lead for the project, and Ros Faulkner, Business Coach on the Growth Catalyst Programme, the programme consists of six participants who will take part in a number of sessions over the course of a six month period including personal goal setting, action learning, coaching sessions and reflection.