Scholarship students attend welcome event

Scholarship students from across the MBA and MSc programmes were recently invited to a special event to welcome them to the Management School and allow them to network with other scholarships students.
They heard from Professor Julia Balogun, Director of the Management School, who said, “We hope that as scholarship students you will embrace every opportunity available to you and act as ambassadors amongst your peers for these co-curricular activities. During your time here we will encourage you to run your own social and networking events and reach out to students on your programme and the wider university community.”
Academics from across the programmes, including Dr Lisa Anderson, Associate Head of Postgraduate programmes, and Professor Elaine Eades, Director of MBA programmes, met with students over afternoon tea and gave them an insight into the various ways they could maximise their time at the Management School by getting involved with the MSc ExECS Award and by reaching out to students and alumni in the network.
Find out more about the master's scholarships and MBA scholarships that are available.