Undergraduate marketing students undertake research at XJTLU, Suzhou

Undergraduate marketing students Holly Fitzgerald and Beth Foye recently visited Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou as part of an extracurricular project. Founded in 2006, XJTLU is the largest international joint venture university in China in partnership with the University of Liverpool.
As course representatives on the BA Marketing programme at the Management School, Holly and Beth have been working on a project for the past two years, exploring integration between cultures in a university setting. They travelled to China to conduct research to aid their ongoing project.
Whilst in Suzhou, the pair were able to meet an International Business student at XJTLU, who welcomed them onto the campus. They also met with Professor David Goodman, Head of the Department of China Studies Humanities and Social Sciences at XJTLU, who provided a tour around the centre of Suzhou, including a visit to restaurants serving local delicacies.
The students were able to spend their time in Suzhou conducting focus groups and interviews with students from XJTLU’s International Business School. They also had an opportunity to meet professional services staff who look after aspects of mobility between XJTLU and the University of Liverpool.
Holly and Beth said: “The University have been incredibly supportive of our project. We also owe a huge thanks to Director of Studies for BA Marketing, Paul Matthews, who helped us organise the trip and kept in contact whilst we were over there for any extra support we needed”.