ULMS welcomes visitors from a prestigious government body in France

Emilie Faucheux and Sébastien Châble from Bretagne Développement Innovation (BDI), have been at the University of Liverpool Management School on a secondment, participating in the multidisciplinary H2020 project RUC-APS lead by Dr Jorge Hernandez.
During their time at the University they will have run a number of activities related to their Work-Package 15, which is about studying and understanding the Regional management of the Agri-food sector in all the value chain in all of seven countries involved in this project (UK, France, Poland, Italy, Spain, Chile and Argentina).
BDI is Brittany's regional development and innovation agency, which works to encourage Bretagne economic stakeholders to work together and plays a role in the leadership and coordination of regional economic development and innovation strategy. Therefore, RUC-APS is expected to contribute to the current challenges and need from BDI by extending their international involvement, which will imply the development of quantitative data indicators to measure the international impact in agriculture.
The group met last week to discuss the key outcomes from the secondment and to plan further actions on international impact. In this meeting were also present Dr Edoardo Patelli and Marco de Angelis, from the University of Liverpool’s Risk Institute (also participants of the RUC-APS project), who presented a demonstration of the COSSAN-X, a purpose software for uncertainty quantification and management and how this tool will be extended for its use in agriculture management.