Two writing prizes awarded in the Institute of Integrative Biology

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The Institute of Integrative Biology (IIB) is celebrating two writing prize successes.

Dr John Ankers, a Junior postdoctoral researcher in Biochemistry & Cell Biology was awarded the 2011 British Society for Cell Biology (BSCB) Science Writing Prize, which is awarded for the most accomplished essay communicating biomedical research in a clear and concise way to a non-specialist audience.

Since completing his PhD in 2009, John has been using quantitative live cell imaging techniques at the IIBto develop mathematical models for mammalian cell cycle progression.

The second success was from Postgraduate Andrew Holmes, a PhD student in the Mammalian Behaviour & Evolution research group lead by Professor Jane Hurst. He received the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB) writing prize.

His piece will be published in New Scientist.