Dr Rachel Jeffreys

Senior Lecturer in Marine Biology at the University of Liverpool.

Can you tell us a bit about your career?

I am a Marine Biologist and Oceanographer studying food webs, with a focus on deep sea and polar ecology.

My interest in marine biology and oceanography started from summers by the sea and snorkelling around the Irish Coast. I went on to study BSc Marine Biology and Oceanography and then completed a PhD in Oceanography. Following this, I undertook two postdoctoral research positions: one in Aberdeen and one in the Netherlands at NIOZ on Texel.

Currently, I am a Senior Lecturer in Marine Biology at the University of Liverpool, where I enjoy conducting fascinating research on food webs in the deep sea and Arctic, working with a superb team of researchers (PhDs, research technicians and academics), and colleagues across the globe hoping to inspire the next generation of marine biologists and ocean scientists.

Do you have any advice you'd like to share?

Be persistent, patient and open to new ideas!

Why are you so passionate about your subject?

The environment is undergoing rapid change, so we need to understand the dynamics and how the ocean/marine environment works in order to be able to preserve it for future generations to enjoy and wonder.


Find out more about Rachel here.

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