Professor Liz Sheffield

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I am an emeritus professor in the School of Environmental Sciences, having retired from the position of Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education) in the Faculty of Science and Engineering. 

I’m now able to spend more time underwater interacting with my favourite animals - cephalopods (such as the cuttlefish in the foreground of the image) but am continuing to act as chair of editors for Biological Sciences Review

This magazine includes articles from (mainly female) researchers at the University and aims to convey up to date research in terms that students studying A-level biology can understand. Writing for and editing the magazine keeps me up to date with environmental research and I love hearing about the fantastic achievements of the staff and students in the School. You can read about them in the special editions we have compiled for Marine and Oceanography, and Environmental Sciences.

Biological Sciences Review - Marine Biology

Biological Sciences Review - Environmental Sciences