Dr Judith Curran

Can you tell us about your role and any research you are involved with? 

I am the Head of Department of Materials, Design and Manufacturing at The University of Liverpool. In addition to leading a growing activity in Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterials (including Soft Matter), Anti-microbial Materials and Pre-clinical testing regimes within the department.

I also lead an international research group which focuses on translating fundamental science to directly implantable degradable synthetic scaffolds through the latest advances in surface engineering and biomanufacturing and developing experimental models that will provide an alternative to in vivo testing.

My recent research focused on developments in cost-effective real-time label free tracking of nano-entities through biological solutions and the application of the platform technology to pre-clinical testing regimes and models of infection and disease. I have an extensive record of engaging with industry, generating patents and licencing.


Find out more by visiting Judith's Department Webpage.