Professor Gita Sedghi

Can you tell us about your role and career pathway?

I am a Professor of Chemistry Education, holding a BSc in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Chemistry. My doctoral research focused on measuring the electrical properties of single molecules positioned between metal contacts, and I published my findings in scientific journals, including Nature Nanotechnology.

In 2010, I joined the Department of Chemistry on a teaching and scholarship track, driven by my passion for education. My teaching philosophy is to create an inclusive educational environment for a diverse student community. I have consistently developed and promoted excellence in teaching, earning several prestigious awards, including the Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), the National Teaching Fellowship, and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Excellence in Higher Education award.

Do you have an area of expertise / research?

My educational research and scholarship have focused on peer-assisted learning, pre-lab tutoring systems, internationalisation, math online assessments with increasing complexity, and inclusive curriculum.


Find out more about Gita.