Dr Katy Chamberlain

Lecturer in Earth Sciences at University of Liverpool

Katy is a Volcanologist and Igneous Petrologist who studies the rocks erupted from volcanoes to understand more about the fundamental processes and timescales behind volcanic eruptions, which allows us to be better prepared for future eruptions.

Their interest in volcanoes began when they were a teenager. After finding out that ‘Volcanologist’ was a real job, Katy researched pathways to this career and went on to study Geology (BSc and MGeol) at the University of Leeds. Katy then completed a PhD in Volcanology at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and undertook two postdoctoral research positions in Durham and Japan.

Following their studies, Katy worked at UKRI (UK Research and Innovation), Natural Environment Research Council before returning to academia. A career highlight was when Katy secured funding to lead a three-week, fieldwork project in the Southern volcanic zone of Chile, which involved riding horses up a volcano to collect samples!

Katy is currently a Lecturer in Earth Studies at the University of Liverpool where they enjoy combining their passion for research with being able to share their love of Geology and Volcanology with students. Their advice for anybody studying/working in this area is “It is ok to say no to things – sometimes there are loads of really exciting opportunities, but it isn’t possible to do them all – and that’s ok!”

When asked why they are so passionate about their subject and STEMM, Katy said “I believe that Earth Sciences is such a vital subject – understanding how our Earth has evolved over time is critical for considering where resources are deposited, where we can live sustainably and to mitigate the impact of natural hazards.”

Find out more about Katy, and keep up to date with her work by following her on Instagram and Twitter.

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