Dr. Janine Kavanagh

Dr Janine Kavanagh

I am a volcanologist who specialises in understanding the development and evolution of volcanic plumbing systems. I moved to Liverpool in January 2013 to take up a lectureship in Geology in the School of Environmental Sciences, having just moved back to the UK following a ‘Women in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship’ at Monash University in Australia. I carried out my undergraduate studies and PhD research at Bristol University, and this was where I first developed my interests in volcanology.

I find Geology fascinating. It is a truly multi-disciplinary subject that enables you to apply your knowledge to real-life scenarios and begin to understand natural phenomena around you. As a lecturer I benefit from interacting daily with undergraduate and postgraduate students, passing on the enthusiasm and knowledge that I have benefitted from to help guide their future careers and help them to become confident and independent scientists.

My work often takes me around the world, presenting my research at international conferences and carrying out fieldwork in challenging locations. As a geologist and scientist, I often find myself working in a male-dominated environment. This was particularly evident during my PhD research at diamond mines in South Africa, where the work was both challenging and character building.  This experience enabled me to grow in confidence as I discovered I could be successful even when not in my comfort zone.

Find out more by visiting Janine's Department Webpage or her Personal Webpage.