Dr Evrim Celik Madenli

Lecturer in Engineering at University of Liverpool

Evrim is an Engineer who designs and synthesises new membranes for valuable material recovery and water/wastewater treatment.

Evrim has always wanted to be an engineer to solve problems and make people’s lives better. As an example, when they were a child, they were interested in designing a tool to open sunflower seeds to make them easier and quicker to eat.

Evrim studied at a Science High School in Turkey which focused on providing advanced education in science and mathematics. They then completed a PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology in Korea.

Following this, Evrim has been a graduate assistant, teaching and research assistant, assistant professor, and associate professor.

Evrim is currently a lecturer in Environmental Engineering at University of Liverpool. They are fascinated by how natural systems work and enjoy trying to apply these natural solutions to environmental problems. A career highlight was when they were a PI of a project that required monitoring on Horseshoe Island in Antarctica. Attending the Antarctic Science Expedition and conducting research in Antarctica was one of the most exciting projects they have worked on.

Their advice for anybody studying/working in this area is “Environmental engineering is a multidisciplinary field that intersects with other areas such as chemistry, biology, chemical engineering, material science, and so on. Developing knowledge in these areas is important. Additionally, being aware of global sustainability goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, is very important.’’

When asked why they are so enthusiastic about their subject and STEMM, Evrim said “I am passionate about exploring and developing new technologies to address emerging contaminants.”

Find out more about Evrim, and keep up to date with their work by following them on LinkedIn.

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