Veronica Del Angel

Postdoctoral research associate

Veronica is a Chemist who studies materials chemistry, electrochemistry, physics, and engineering simulation.

Veronica studied Chemical Engineering as an undergraduate. They chose this subject as it is quite broad and were able to develop skills in engineering, science, chemistry, life cycle assessments, and more. This offered a wide range of possibilities to pursue a career in.

Veronica then went on to complete a PhD in Chemistry at the University of Bristol. Their research project was on the design and synthesis of functional materials for CO2 conversion. They designed redox active porous materials that were able to transform CO2 into valuable chemicals such as methanol. Veronica chose this subject because capturing CO2 from the environment and being able to use it as a feedstock could lead to a sustainable future.

Veronica is currently a postdoctoral research associate in the Cooper group. They are currently working on using machine learning, computer vision and automation to accelerate the discovery of electrocatalyst and optimise the electrode ink formulation. This research aims to reduce human error and speed the selection of materials for electrochemical applications such as Hydrogen evolution reaction, CO2 electrochemical reduction and more.

Their advice for anybody studying/working in this area is “Having a goal in mind and planning the steps and actions required with specific timelines is really useful. I also think perseverance and keeping an open mind to change directions are also important!”

When asked why they are so passionate about their subject and STEMM, Veronica said “I feel that my work will leave a mark in the world and hopefully improve the future of society.”

Find out more about Veronica, and keep up to date with her work by following her on LinkedIn.

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