Dr Anna Slater in Chemistry

Dr Anna Slater

I am an Royal Society-EPSRC Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow and Lecturer in the Chemistry Department in the School of Physical Sciences.  My group is working on using new methods in synthetic chemistry to discover, optimise, and scale up functional materials and their precursors.  Our research spans a range of topics; we have interests in automation, supramolecular chemistry, microparticle synthesis, flow chemistry, and analytical science.

I’m at my happiest when working at the interface between materials science, chemistry, and physics; I’m lucky enough to have a very varied job working with a number of talented people, and have really enjoyed setting up a research team. I have recently starting teaching, and have found running a module in Supramolecular Chemistry to be a very rewarding challenge.

I have a strong interest in equality & diversity, and have enjoyed working on Athena SWAN activities both at my previous institution - the University of Nottingham - and here at Liverpool, particularly in the area of supporting fixed-term researchers. With the UKRSA (http://ukrsavitae.wixsite.com/ukrsa), I have been involved in a project looking at the challenges and support that researchers experience while taking periods of maternity, paternity, adoption, or parental leave, motivated by my own experiences of balancing family life and a research career.


