About LivWiSE
Who we are
LivWiSE (Liverpool Women in Science & Engineering) is a initiative by the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Liverpool. We work closely with the University of Liverpool Athena Swan and the Equality and Diversity Networks.
LivWiSE has been created to raise the profile and interaction opportunities for women and non-binary people, plus under represented groups in all STEMM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths, Medicine and more). We provide events and opportunities for networking, and provide a forum for members to exchange experiences, ideas and contacts.
Members of LivWiSE range in age and experience, from students and academics to alumni and business people involved in STEMM; from the vast range of engineering and science subjects to health, psychology and ethics.
Membership is open to everyone interested or involved in any aspect of STEMM. We also welcome corporate members.
The LivWiSE Steering Group:
- Lisa Barker (Chair) - Marketing Manager for the Faculty of Science and Engineering
The steering group aims to:
- Establish a calendar of events to include lectures and networking opportunities.
- Identify and promote personal and career development opportunities.
- Improve the recruitment and retention of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).
- Produce a website for online promotion.
- Promote, publicise and celebrate all successes of Women in Engineering and Science (past and present).
- Act as ambassadors for LivWiSE, to raise its profile, publicise its work and develop links and relationships with other STEM networks to exchange ideas and develop opportunities
Contact us
You can contact us via email at liverpoolwise@liv.ac.uk