Optimization study for a Dielectric Laser Accelerator presented at EAAC19

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Gyanendra Yadav presenting a talk at EAAC19.

LIV.DAT student Gyanendra Yadav from the University of Liverpool gave a talk titled ‘Geometric optimization study for a dielectric laser accelerator’ at the European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (EAAC2019). The conference was hosted in Isola d'Elba, Italy from 15th to 21st of September and focused on methods for beam acceleration with gradients beyond the state of the art in operational facilities.

Participants at EAAC19.

Gyanendra presented a comparative study of the performance of two different dielectric grating structures under the same simulation parameters in both non relativistic and relativistic regimes. ‘Particle in Cell’ (PIC) simulation codes analysed the differences of the two dielectric structures (cylindrical and cuboid) in terms of energy gain, accelerating gradients, energy spread and particle efficiency. Dielectric microstructures are an essential component of Dielectric laser accelerators and must be optimized for higher energy gain and efficiency.

Furthermore, Gyanendra presented a poster titled ‘Towards High-gradient Particle Accelerators from Carbon Nanotube Arrays’ on behalf of QUASAR group members Aravinda Perera and Dr Javier Resta López.

Finally, he had a meeting with PSI, Switzerland collaborator Rasmus Ischebeck and discussed the research directions for his PSI visit that starts in November 2019.

Gyanendra said: “Overall the conference was quite productive and I feel intrigued by the interactions I had there.”