LIVDAT students take part in HEP summer school
The STFC High Energy Physics Summer School provides first year graduate students with the basics of particle physics early on in their research studies and is the major summer school of the UK particle physics community. Each September, 1st (and occasionally 2nd) year PhD students working on HEP experiments across the country meet to learn about advanced topics in particle physics and get a flavour of the UK HEP community.
Several LIVDAT students attended the school, which took place 2nd – 14th September at the University of Lancaster this year. They had an excellent opportunity to take part in lectures and tutorials and to present their work in a poster session.
The lecture courses covered quantum field theory (QFT), quantum electrodynamics (QED) as well as quantum chromodynamics (QCD), standard model (SM), particle collider phenomenology and dark matter physics (DM). The course material is connected to the 1st year PhD student classes that are organized by the various Particle physics groups and offered during the first semester.
In addition, the school provided the opportunity to explore the Lancaster area during the weekend and to network with other participants, thus strengthening the ties of the community.