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2019-01-04 7:25:00.0
CDT Student Interviews - Spotlight on Ryan Thomson
2019-01-02 8:8:00.0
National CDT Meeting 2018 held in Edinburgh
2018-12-21 7:25:00.0
CDT Student Interviews - Spotlight on Félix Soubelet
2018-12-17 7:34:00.0
LIV.DAT student @ Virgo meeting
2018-12-14 7:25:00.0
CDT Student Interviews - Spotlight on Monika Yadav
2018-12-10 7:33:00.0
GRETINA Summer School
2018-12-07 7:25:00.0
CDT Student Interviews - Spotlight on Ricardo Gonzalez Lopez
2018-12-05 13:19:00.0
LIV.DAT student Fraser Holloway presents at AGATA Week
2018-11-30 7:25:00.0
CDT Student Interviews - Spotlight on Eloisa Arena
2018-11-26 8:33:00.0
Big Data Analysis in Astronomy at the IAC
2018-11-23 7:25:00.0
CDT Student Interviews - Spotlight on Alessandro Biondini
2018-11-19 13:0:00.0
EuroSciPy held in Trento
2018-11-16 12:25:00.0
Spotlight on our new students
2018-11-14 14:31:00.0
NuINT Conference and NuSTAT Workshop in Gran Sasso Science Institute
2018-11-09 16:39:00.0
AWAKE Collaboration prepares for Run 2
2018-11-07 11:31:00.0
Welcome to our 2nd student cohort!
2018-11-02 12:47:00.0
LIVDAT students take part in HEP summer school
2018-08-06 10:38:00.0
LIVDAT students attend 'STFC's Summer School in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning'
2018-06-15 10:13:00.0
Directors of UK Centres for Doctoral Training in Big Data Science meet in Liverpool
2018-04-30 14:44:00.0
LIV.DAT attend the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science 2018 (EWASS)
2018-04-23 12:10:00.0
CREAM-1 Hackathon in Belfast
2018-03-21 13:54:00.0
High Performance Computing School for LIV.DAT students
2018-01-15 13:39:00.0
LIVDAT students attend Complementary Skills School
2017-12-04 12:20:00.0
Physics of Star Wars – Fact or Fiction?
2017-11-22 10:37:00.0
LIV.DAT Students join International School on Monte Carlo Simulations
2017-11-06 13:23:00.0
Big Data’ CDTs Kick off in Cardiff
2017-10-20 9:19:00.0
LIVDAT student kickoff meeting
2017-07-19 6:19:00.0
Liverpool kicks off STFC Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Intensive Science
2019-01-31 12:55:00.0
Brandon Kelly appointed junior associate within LSST collaboration
2019-03-01 12:42:00.0
ML in Medical Physics workshop
2019-03-20 13:8:00.0
Cosmology on Safari
2019-03-27 11:56:00.0
LIVDAT student participates in launch of Jocelyn Bell Burnell Fund
2019-04-03 14:15:00.0
LIV.DAT students present research at University of Liverpool’s poster day
2019-07-05 11:56:00.0
Importance of data science showcased at international Symposium
2019-07-17 10:46:00.0
The importance of Galaxy Clusters discussed in the middle of the mountains
2019-08-05 10:50:00.0
The Realm of the Low Surface Brightness Universe
2019-09-23 9:24:00.0
Selina Dhinsey presented at OMA international conference in Seville
2019-10-02 9:23:00.0
Optimization study for a Dielectric Laser Accelerator presented at EAAC19
2019-10-03 10:34:00.0
The Fundamentals of Late Stage Cancer - Workshop
2019-10-21 8:43:38.0
Monika’s big move to ‘The Golden State’
2019-10-30 12:4:00.0
Alberto Acuto presented at “Kavli Institute for Cosmology 10th year Symposium”
2019-11-04 12:33:20.0
LIV.DAT research presented at LSST and Community Workshop 2019
2019-11-13 14:32:00.0
Data analysis workshop for future ATLAS Inner Tracker at DESY
2019-11-15 13:23:00.0
Tom Williams Harrison is developing a natural language processing service at Exgence
2019-11-20 9:28:00.0
STFC Summer School for Particle physics held at Durham
2019-12-04 12:2:00.0
Much to learn, you still have
2019-12-06 9:56:11.0
Felix Soubelet’s secondment at IBM Research
2020-02-12 9:49:00.0
Radius Payment Solutions Ltd hosted Brandon Kelly on industry placement
2020-02-26 12:59:00.0
CDT Student Interviews - Spotlight on Cristian Bontoiu
2020-03-03 9:8:00.0
The Low Surface Brightness Universe as seen by LSST
2020-05-15 9:26:00.0
LIV.DAT Virtual Seminar Series – Spring 2020
2020-05-19 9:36:00.0
Alex Hill’s industry placement at IBM Research in Daresbury
2020-06-03 15:52:35.0
Novel and compact superconducting recoil separator for radioactive isotopes
2020-06-10 13:50:00.0
LIV.DAT STFC Data Intensive School 2020
2020-06-12 9:16:00.0
Selina Dhinsey’s Industry Placement at Chanua
2020-06-24 8:50:00.0
LIV.DAT Virtual Seminar Series - Autumn 2020
2020-07-03 15:24:57.0
Seminar - Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Power Generation Applications
2020-09-23 14:53:00.0
Massive simulations help to explain experimental results in AWAKE project at CERN
2020-09-30 14:33:00.0
Public lecture - Options and Opportunities for Health Data Science
2020-10-05 16:19:00.0
Seminar – Morpheus: A Deep Learning Framework for the Pixel-level Analysis of Astronomical Image Data
2020-10-07 15:5:00.0
CDT Student Interviews - Spotlight on Gyanendra Yadav
2020-10-12 9:52:00.0
Alberto Acuto’s industry placement at IQBlade
2020-10-14 8:3:00.0
CDT Student Interviews - Spotlight on Brandon Kelly
2020-10-26 9:55:00.0
Geometric optimization study for a Dielectric Laser Accelerator
2020-10-28 8:6:00.0
Seminar - A Declarative Approach to Distributed Stream Processing
2020-11-02 12:29:00.0
CDT Student Interviews – Spotlight on Phillip Marshall
2020-11-06 10:34:00.0
LIV.DAT welcomes new Fellow
2020-11-10 9:11:00.0
Towards Particle Acceleration in Carbon Nanotube Arrays
2020-11-12 10:33:00.0
PhD students engage in online training on Data Intensive Science
2020-11-17 10:32:00.0
CDT Student Interviews – Spotlight on Tom Williams Harrison
2020-11-20 11:38:00.0
LIV.DAT welcomes 4th cohort of students
2020-11-23 16:9:00.0
Seminar - Industrial Data Science, Machine-, Transfer- and Federated Learning
2020-12-02 13:16:00.0
CDT Student Interviews – Spotlight on Joaquín García de la Cruz
2020-12-08 9:48:00.0
Phillip Marshall’s Industry placement in the railway industry
2020-12-15 12:57:00.0
CDT Student Interviews – Spotlight on Ron Collins
2021-01-06 10:36:30.0
New results from AWAKE: Manipulation of Proton Bunch Self Modulation using Plasma Density Gradient
2021-01-14 11:31:00.0
CDT Student Interviews – Spotlight on Magda Satrazani
2021-01-18 13:31:52.0
Register now: national particle accelerator open day
2021-01-22 8:33:00.0
Comparison between simulation and experiment in AWAKE experiment
2021-01-19 10:27:00.0
CDT Student Interviews – Spotlight on Ondrej Sedlacek
2021-02-01 8:33:00.0
Monika Yadav presented her research at the Advanced Accelerator Concept Seminar Series
2021-01-28 8:46:00.0
Júlia Ten Vidal’s industry placement as part of the POSITRINO project
2021-01-27 14:22:00.0
CDT Student Interviews – Spotlight on Adam Tarrant
2021-02-03 8:16:36.0
On the Flaring of Thick Discs of Galaxies: Insights from Simulations
2021-02-18 8:39:32.0
CDT Student Interviews – Spotlight on Adam Lowe
2021-02-08 8:41:05.0
Talking Science - Hollywood Physics
2021-02-10 10:30:00.0
LIV.DAT Virtual Seminar Series – Spring 2021
2021-02-12 10:25:00.0
Upcoming Seminar - SMC-Stan: A Scalable and Flexible Software tool for Better Bayesian Inference
2021-02-15 8:31:19.0
Ricardo Gonzalez’s industry placement at Unilever
2021-02-22 8:40:19.0
Alberto Acuto presented at online Virgo Consortium Meeting 2021
2021-03-03 15:0:00.0
High-mass dilepton searches in the ATLAS experiment
2021-03-12 12:50:51.0
Joaquín García de la Cruz’s Industry placement in the travel industry
2021-03-16 9:11:00.0
Upcoming Seminar - Analysis of gravitational waveforms to better understand black holes
2021-03-30 11:7:46.0
LIV.DAT Advanced Researcher Skills School
2021-04-07 10:21:22.0
CDT Student Interviews – Spotlight on Conor McPartland
2021-04-13 8:36:00.0
LIV.DAT students participated in the STFC Summer School for Particle Physics
2021-04-14 8:22:00.0
Upcoming Seminar - Combining satellite data with ocean surface measurements: Sea Surface Temperature observations
2021-04-21 9:47:00.0
Institutional Award of Excellence in DATA-DRIVEN RESEARCH (DDR), MENA 2021
2021-05-12 11:38:00.0
Monika Yadav presented at the American Physical Society meeting
2021-05-19 11:56:00.0
Upcoming Seminar - Machine learning the Universe: Opening the Pandora Box
2021-05-26 10:16:00.0
CDT Student Interviews – Spotlight on Adrian Montes Plaza
2021-06-02 9:15:00.0
Neutrino-Nucleon Cross-Section Model Tuning in GENIE v3
2021-06-09 12:45:00.0
Upcoming Seminar - Applying data science methods to modernise transport and electricity infrastructures
2021-06-24 13:42:00.0
LHCb at CERN measures tiny mass difference between particles
2021-07-05 9:40:54.0
CDT Student Interviews – Spotlight on Luana Parsons Franca
2021-06-30 15:38:00.0
LIV.DAT PhD students presented their research at IPAC’21
2021-08-09 10:51:00.0
Comparison of Validation Methods of Simulations for Final State Interactions in Hadron Production Experiments
2021-08-11 8:53:00.0
ATLAS Experiment uses new data collection techniques to study ‘Little Bangs’
2021-08-16 8:10:00.0
LIV.DAT student area refurbished
2021-08-18 9:22:00.0
A new way to monitor the time-dependence of the number of LHC proton-proton collisions with ATLAS
2021-08-23 9:32:00.0
Resonant excitation of very high gradient plasma wakefield accelerators by optical-period bunch trains
2021-08-25 9:40:00.0
LHC Higgs Group Leadership Role for LIV.DAT Supervisor
2021-08-31 9:52:00.0
LIV.DAT Supervisor heads the Liverpool g-2 experimental team
2021-09-20 12:2:00.0
Mu3e experiment Technical Design Report published
2021-09-29 11:3:00.0
Paper published by LIV.DAT student and supervisors
2021-10-06 9:9:00.0
LIV.DAT Virtual Seminar Series – Autumn 2021
2021-10-11 13:42:00.0
Liverpool@CERN Particle Physics School
2021-10-13 7:47:00.0
Virtual Seminar on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Agent Interaction
2022-03-01 8:17:00.0
Virtual Seminar on Is Education AI Ready
2021-11-03 9:43:00.0
A Novel Manufacturing Process for Glass THGEMs
2021-12-01 8:34:00.0
Virtual Seminar on Modeling, testing, and adaptive experimental design in high-throughput cancer drug screens
2021-12-06 8:2:00.0
Paper on Prediction of non-linear matter power spectrum published
2022-03-28 10:2:00.0
Advanced researcher career skills school
2022-04-04 8:58:00.0
New Article Published on Terahertz Radiation
2022-04-13 9:2:00.0
Monika’s internship on optical fibre beam loss monitors characteristics
2022-04-08 16:11:03.0
Liverpool Physics awarded £1.3M for new STFC data science training centre
2022-04-20 12:14:00.0
LIV.DAT Virtual Seminar Series – Spring 2022
2022-04-22 8:47:00.0
Virtual Seminar on The Crystal Isometry Principle
2022-04-27 10:56:00.0
Electroweak physics at LHC talk at Aspen 2022
2022-05-04 16:2:00.0
Virtual Seminar on How Computers Have Changed Science and Predictions on How That Will Continue
2022-05-09 12:43:00.0
LIV.DAT welcomes new Project Manager
2022-05-27 9:10:00.0
New data science CDT officially launched
2022-06-10 9:37:51.0
Virtual Seminar on Physics-informed neural networks for solving Gray-Scott systems
2022-06-13 11:41:00.0
Hadronisation model tuning in GENIE v3
2022-06-13 8:54:00.0
LIV.HUB - Multipurpose teaching and industry hack space
2022-06-22 11:46:00.0
LIV.DAT student Julia Tena Vidal passes PhD viva
2022-06-28 9:8:20.0
LIV.DAT student Tom Williams Harrison successfully completes PhD
2022-07-18 13:40:00.0
Virtual seminar on Robust Virtual Diagnostics for Accurate and Confident Beam Properties Prediction
2022-07-20 14:51:38.0
LIV.DAT student Phillip Marshall passes PhD viva
2022-10-05 9:39:00.0
New Data Science Fellow joins the LIV.DAT and LIV.INNO CDTs
2022-10-06 8:35:00.0
Virtual seminar on merging deep learning with physical models for the analysis of cosmological surveys
2022-10-10 10:26:00.0
Gyanendra Yadav’s industrial placements with Tethir and Microsoft
2022-10-17 8:17:00.0
LIV.DAT student wins poster prize at Euroschool on Exotic Beams
2022-11-07 8:32:00.0
Virtual seminar on enabling digital twinning with surrogate models
2022-11-04 11:56:40.0
Two more LIV.DAT PhDs successfully completed
2022-11-09 12:29:00.0
Empowering young people in the digital age
2022-11-14 9:36:00.0
LIV.DAT student Adam Lowe wins prize at NuFACT 2022
2023-01-03 8:34:00.0
Virtual seminar on How to Train Your Emu
2022-12-20 8:51:00.0
LIV.DAT student Adam Ruby attends Alan Turing Institute Events
2022-12-16 12:7:41.0
Measuring light in California
2023-01-25 14:28:00.0
LIV.DAT student participates in the NanoAc 2022 Workshop
2023-05-01 8:52:00.0
Virtual seminar on Neutrino Interaction Classification: DUNE, CNNs and transfer learning
2023-01-27 15:51:00.0
New LIV.INNO PhD projects now available for a 2023 start
2023-02-03 8:50:00.0
LIV.INNO film wins Viddy Platinum award
2023-02-06 12:29:00.0
TeV/m catapult acceleration of electrons in graphene layers
2023-04-03 9:41:00.0
Virtual seminar on Machine Learning and Adaptive Optics
2023-02-27 13:36:00.0
Virtual seminar on Seismic wave propagation and inversion with Neural Operators
2023-03-10 12:8:00.0
Breaking barriers: Northern universities collaborate to inspire the next generation of female scientists
2023-04-24 8:49:00.0
LIV.INNO School boosts students’ career skills
2023-05-12 13:57:49.0
Two new LIV.DAT PhDs awarded
2023-05-17 11:54:00.0
Monika Yadav successfully defends PhD thesis
2023-05-24 8:7:00.0
Virtual seminar on Fourier Neural Operator for Plasma Modelling
2023-06-16 12:31:00.0
Adam Ruby successfully passes his PhD viva
2023-06-16 12:43:05.0
LIV.INNO student attends Data Study group at Alan Turing Institute
2023-06-23 8:47:00.0
LIV.DAT student Ricardo Gonzalez Lopez passes PhD viva
2023-07-11 8:14:00.0
Upside down – The Science of Stranger Things
2023-10-18 16:12:55.0
LIV.DAT student Gyanendra Yadav completes PhD
2023-10-25 8:27:00.0
Felix Soubelet completes PhD
2023-12-01 8:9:00.0
Joint LIV.INNO and EuPRAXIA-DN researcher training hosted in Liverpool
2023-11-02 8:14:00.0
Bridging Academia, Industry and Government: Naimuri's Data Scientists Share Insights
2023-11-30 8:29:00.0
Ri Christmas lecture livestream comes to University of Liverpool
2023-12-04 8:27:00.0
How does neural network help reveal the mass of (nearly) all the stars
2023-12-08 15:28:00.0
Prof Welsch contributes to THE Campus Live UK & IE
2023-12-15 11:45:00.0
New LIV.INNO PhD studentships available for a 2024 start
2023-12-18 10:12:00.0
Prof Carsten Welsch to co-chair EIC Accelerator Collaboration
2023-12-20 8:43:00.0
New brochure produced for LIV.INNO Centre for Doctoral Training
2024-01-03 15:15:00.0
Can Artificial Intelligence Generate Meaningful Scientific Hypotheses?
2024-01-29 8:22:00.0
AI and Pervasive Sensing: The New Frontier in Acute Care
2024-01-31 15:7:00.0
Supernova model discrimination with a kilotonne-scale water Cherenkov detector
2024-02-03 14:3:00.0
Breaking Barriers: Celebrating Women and Girls in Science
2024-03-06 12:26:00.0
Building a Responsible AI Ecosystem: Lessons from the Past and Future of Responsible Research and Innovation
2024-03-15 8:51:00.0
Welcome aboard LIV.DATA NEWS!
2024-03-25 20:15:00.0
Numerical simulations of spacetime and the role of HPC
2024-04-29 8:16:00.0
Rigorous results from machine learning
2024-03-25 15:16:00.0
Data Science Fellow Interview - Magda Satrazani
2024-04-03 14:56:00.0
Professor Welsch contributes to APS March meeting
2024-04-25 12:31:38.0
Searching for neutrinos using the Short Baseline Neutrino Detector at Fermilab
2024-04-29 12:52:35.0
Using data science to understand rare Higgs boson decays
2024-05-10 13:28:45.0
LIV.DAT and LIV.INNO students present their work at IoP conference
2024-05-15 8:4:37.0
LIV.DAT student Magda Satrazani passes her PhD
2024-05-24 12:19:00.0
PRINCEPS: Towards the automation of simultaneous gamma ray and internal conversion electron analysis
2024-07-24 8:38:00.0
LIV.DATA Newsletter Issue 2 now published
2024-07-26 11:3:00.0
Alan Turing Institute brings PhD researchers together in Liverpool
2024-07-29 8:59:00.0
LIV.INNO Showcase Event – Register now!
2024-07-10 13:10:00.0
2024-08-05 8:20:17.0
Machine Learning Sheds Light on the Milky Way's History
2024-07-31 8:31:00.0
LIV.INNO hosts STFC Data Science Summer School in Liverpool
2024-09-23 12:1:00.0
LIV.INNO showcases its research at event in Liverpool
2024-12-11 11:37:52.0
LIV.DAT student undertakes placement in autonomous vehicle technology
2025-02-10 15:37:00.0
Four more LIV.DAT students finish their PhDs
2025-03-05 13:28:46.0
LIV.DAT student completes placement at Silveray
Department of Physics, University of Liverpool
The Oliver Lodge Laboratory, Liverpool, L69 7ZE
United Kingdom
+44 (0)151 794 3358
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+44 (0)151 794 3358